The double standards of sleeping
Sherry Holliman, MA
Former Marion Councilwoman Political Columnist, Certified Civil and Domestic Mediator. Lobbyists. CEO-Founder Different Direction Reforms, Consultant Community Advoc
Columnist- Sherry Holliman
Society always seems to find ways to demean a woman’s effort to get to the top, undermining her hard work and education. Women are often accused of sleeping their way to the top. When women are accused of sleeping their way to get to the top, it is most likely with the opposite sex, typically a man. No one ever mentions who she was on top of. Why is his involvement never disclosed?? Should he not be held accountable for using his position and body to make a woman meet his sexual demands in order for her to be promoted? This double standard is rarely addressed, leaving men unaccountable for their actions while women have to bear the traumatizing societal judgment and stigma. Allowing women to be labeled as gold diggers, promiscuous individuals, or sluts. No one ever accuses the man of using his power to gain sexual favors.
The Irony of "sleeping to get to the top" The phrase "sleeping to the top" implies that a woman can use sex as a shortcut to success. However, in reality, if a woman is to use sex as a way to get to the top, she cannot be asleep. This accusation is both ironic and deeply rooted in oppressive stereotypes. In truth, sleeping to get to the top are forced expectations from the person in power because again they are narcissists with privileges that have empowered themselves to subject vulnerable individuals to inappropriate demands at their discretion without any recourse. They are professional predators and will never be sanctioned or mentioned in any media outlet to be exposed, While the women have to face humiliation and oppressions that can last for decades.
Women, regardless of age or race, are forced to deal with the oppressions of the world. The “make great supporters” are the very people that expect women to serve in their place as a woman. As of today, society imposes stereotypes and behaviors on women that are outdated. Women are often accused of being extremely emotional and expected to be doormats and expected to do it all with smiles on their faces and a forever forgiving demeanor. Smart women understand how to leverage their presence and influence to access the resources and positions they need for success. They know how to network, build alliances, and present themselves confidently in professional settings, making their skills and ambitions clear.
These women are strategic and use their intelligence, charisma, and hard work to navigate their careers. When people accuse women of "sleeping their way to the top," they're missing the point. These women aren't sleeping, they're working tirelessly. They know that success demands effort, determination, and resilience. So, no one is sleeping their way to the top because the real path to success requires staying awake and putting in the work with some of the Presidents repeating "Make America Great Again" a statement used by both parties to suggest bringing solutions to problems! In particular Presidents who have used this phrase include Ronald Reagan in 1980, Bill Clinton in 1992, and Donald Trump in 2016. If this is the goal of each president, why are future presidents still making the same statement? How can you make America great, and under whose lenses are the greatness of America measured? ?
The continuous usage of the statement "Make America Great Again," despite its historical usage by previous presidents, is being repeated because it is constantly being mocked. The idea of greatness cannot be actualized in a society filled with systemic prejudices and lack of respect for humanity. When it is a known fact that individuals and institutions has leveraged their privileges to dehumanize those who do not share their background or identity, this causes “the ungreatness” the societal disconnections. This dehumanization creates more division through the creation and enforcement of laws that perpetuate and institutionalized oppression. In short, greatness is supposed to connect the principles of equality, justice, and the recognition of every individual's inherent dignity.
?When these principles are compromised by discriminatory practices and policies, the very foundation required to achieve true greatness is eroded. Therefore, despite the rhetorical appeal of the term "Make America Great Again," the realization of such an ideal is rendered unattainable in the absence of a genuine commitment to humanity and the dismantling of prejudicial systems. Wake up Americans and stop accusing successful women of not being “GREAT!”
Now is the time to show just how great you can help America become. Support change and embrace that leadership looks like courageous individuals, not a color or gender. ???
Why is it not a priority for society, and especially government leaders, to ensure that women have the equal opportunity to provide leadership that can stabilize the effort to make America great? Women should be just as much a part of the process of building the reality of decisions that are made for them, mostly by men. In a true democracy, leadership should reflect the diverse makeup of the society it represents. Women leadership is going to continue to grow, because they are driven not only by their competence and courage but also by the obvious lack of competent men. As more women step into leadership roles, they will bring fresh perspectives and solutions that are crucial for a thriving democratic society.
The future of this nation and democracy depends on inclusive and competent leadership. Women leadership will continue to grow as they prove themselves capable, visionaries.
Women that are often accused of being the underdog in their occupation brings out the insecurities in others because she will without a doubt surpass the expectations set by men. As this nation moves forward, the best decision at this point should be to embrace women's leadership. It is not just a matter of equality but a necessity for the sustained growth and the well-being of our society. To get to the top, sleeping beauty must get her rest in order to maintain her strength and resilience. She knows she must sleep her way to the top and that her journey to the top will bring many challenges, double standards, and societal expectations that are often contradicted with the true nature of their hard work and capabilities. It is time that society and all leaders prioritize and support women’s leadership, recognizing their indispensable role in truly “making America great.”