Double standards, adding to the drama, and white gloves

Double standards, adding to the drama, and white gloves

Terms to note from today's PRC MoFA PC

  • 白手套 / white gloves 


The US has long used democracy as a tool and a weapon to undermine democracy in the name of democracy, to incite division and confrontation, and to meddle in other countries’ internal affairs, causing catastrophic consequences. NED [National Endowment for Democracy], as one of the US government’s main “foot soldiers” and “white gloves”, has subverted lawful governments and cultivated pro-US puppet forces under the pretext of democracy.

  • 泛政治化 / pan-politicization 

- 在香港新选制度全面落地生根、民主发展优化提升之际,欧盟等外部势力急不可耐地跳出来,对此次选举的过程和结果指指点点、攻击抹黑。这充分暴露了他们打着民主自由旗号、干涉中国内政、破坏香港繁荣稳定的真实面目。对于“泛政治化”和黑暴肆虐的假民主,他们拍手叫好;对于符合香港实际、落实“爱国者治港”的真民主,他们却如坐针毡。包括广大香港同胞在内的全体中国人民早已把他们的“民主双标”看得真真切切。 

Just as the new electoral system is taking root and democracy is improving in Hong Kong, the EU scurried to criticize, attack and smear the process and result of the election. This fully exposes their true face of using democracy and freedom as a cover to meddle in China’s internal affairs and undermine Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. They applaud fake democracy featuring pan-politicization and rampant violence, but feel agitated by true democracy that suits Hong Kong’s realities and implements the principle of patriots administering Hong Kong. The Chinese people, including our Hong Kong compatriots, have all seen through such double standards on democracy.

  • 马前卒 / pawn; cat’s paw; tool

- 国家民主基金会作为美国政府“马前卒”、“白手套”,打着“促进民主”的幌子,颠覆别国合法政府,培植亲美傀儡势力。 

NED, as one of the US government’s main “foot soldiers” and “white gloves”, has subverted lawful governments and cultivated pro-US puppet forces under the pretext of democracy. 

  • 假民主 / fake democracy 

- 在香港新选制度全面落地生根、民主发展优化提升之际,欧盟等外部势力急不可耐地跳出来,对此次选举的过程和结果指指点点、攻击抹黑。这充分暴露了他们打着民主自由旗号、干涉中国内政、破坏香港繁荣稳定的真实面目。对于“泛政治化”和黑暴肆虐的假民主,他们拍手叫好;对于符合香港实际、落实“爱国者治港”的真民主,他们却如坐针毡。包括广大香港同胞在内的全体中国人民早已把他们的“民主双标”看得真真切切。 

Just as the new electoral system is taking root and democracy is improving in Hong Kong, the EU scurried to criticize, attack and smear the process and result of the election. This fully exposes their true face of using democracy and freedom as a cover to meddle in China’s internal affairs and undermine Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. They applaud fake democracy featuring pan-politicization and rampant violence, but feel agitated by true democracy that suits Hong Kong’s realities and implements the principle of patriots administering Hong Kong. The Chinese people, including our Hong Kong compatriots, have all seen through such double standards on democracy. 

  • 加戏 / add to the drama 

- 中方坚决反对建交国同台湾进行任何形式的官方往来。台湾问题是中国内政,不关日本的事。日本个别人实在不必自行“加戏”。 

China firmly opposes official interaction in any form between countries having diplomatic ties with China and Taiwan. The Taiwan question is China’s internal affair, which has nothing to do with Japan. It is totally unnecessary for certain individuals of Japan to force themselves into the spotlight.

  • 玫瑰革命 / Rose Revolution (against announced elections results in November 2003 in the Republic of Georgia) 

- 在历史上,苏联解体、格鲁吉亚“玫瑰革命”、乌克兰“橙色革命”以及“阿拉伯之春”等美国煽动和策划的“颜色革命”背后均可见国家民主基金会的身影。 

NED [National Endowment for Democracy]was seen behind color revolutions instigated and orchestrated by the US, including the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine and the Arab Spring.

  • 民主双标 / double standards of democracy 

- 在香港新选制度全面落地生根、民主发展优化提升之际,欧盟等外部势力急不可耐地跳出来,对此次选举的过程和结果指指点点、攻击抹黑。这充分暴露了他们打着民主自由旗号、干涉中国内政、破坏香港繁荣稳定的真实面目。对于“泛政治化”和黑暴肆虐的假民主,他们拍手叫好;对于符合香港实际、落实“爱国者治港”的真民主,他们却如坐针毡。包括广大香港同胞在内的全体中国人民早已把他们的“民主双标”看得真真切切。 

Just as the new electoral system is taking root and democracy is improving in Hong Kong, the EU scurried to criticize, attack and smear the process and result of the election. This fully exposes their true face of using democracy and freedom as a cover to meddle in China’s internal affairs and undermine Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability. They applaud fake democracy featuring pan-politicization and rampant violence, but feel agitated by true democracy that suits Hong Kong’s realities and implements the principle of patriots administering Hong Kong. The Chinese people, including our Hong Kong compatriots, have all seen through such double standards on democracy.

  • 世界反法西斯战争 / World Anti-Fascist War 

- 世界反法西斯战争伟大胜利的取得,是全世界爱好和平和正义的国家和人民共同奋斗的结果,也为二战后国际秩序的构建奠定了重要基础。 

The great victory of the World Anti-Fascist War was secured thanks to the concerted efforts of countries and people loving peace and justice all over the world. The victory also laid an important foundation for the establishment of the post-World War II international order. 

  • 卫国战争胜利日阅兵 / Great Patriotic War Victory Day Parade (for Russia, held on May 9 in Moscow) 

- 俄罗斯在持续军事入侵乌克兰的情况下,今天举行卫国战争胜利日阅兵。据报道,普京总统将发表讲话,强调在乌克兰军事行动成果。 

Amid the ongoing military aggression in Ukraine, Russia is holding the Victory Day parade today. It is reported that President Putin will deliver a speech in which he will highlight the achievements of Russian military operation in Ukraine.

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