The Double Portion
Anna Lovella 'Tata' Velasquez
Writer: SpeakChrist Diaries - Reflections and journal prompts on living the rich life in Christ from today's Catholic Mass Readings
Have you heard of the Double Portion? It’s Who and What you need to win in life. Read on so you can receive the Double Portion that God has prepared for you.
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Have you heard of the Double Portion?
They are yours
You don’t believe me?
Read on.
The Double Portion
I go to Holy Mass daily.
Last month the Eucharistic minister inadvertently gave me 2 hosts of the Body of Christ.
I claimed then my Double Portion.
Today, I received 2 hosts of the Body of Christ. Again.
I claimed again my Double Portion.
And I knew I just had to share this with you.
The Double Portion.
So you can claim it too.
Double Portion Anointing of the Holy Spirit
God is giving us a double portion Anointing. It’s the Holy Spirit’s power in us to do what He has called us to do with our life in service to Him.
When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “Please, let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” 2 Kings 2:9 NASB
Double Portion Blessing
For every trouble we face, we can claim back a double portion blessing.
Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles. Zechariah 9:12 NLT
Double Portion Honor
God will take away anything that causes us shame and dishonor: debts, discontent, distress.
Instead of shame and dishonor, you will enjoy a double share of honor. Isaiah 61:7A NLT
Double Portion of Prosperity
God will double our wealth and our influence in the land He has given us, our areas of responsibility: our business, studies, families, workplaces, personal lives, etc.
You will possess a double portion of prosperity in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours. Isaiah 61:7b NLT
In another translation, prosperity also refers to wealth:
You will live in your own land, And your wealth will be doubled; Your joy will last for ever. Isaiah 61:7 GNBDK
What does this mean?
Does the Double Portion mean I will have 2 of everything?
Yes, you can have 2 of everything.
But it also means overflow, abundance, in great measure.
God is the El Shaddai: God of More than Enough.
The Double Portion allows us to have everything in abundance. Without painful toil and sweat. Without us working our butts off.
True enrichment (wealth) comes from the blessing of the Lord, with rest and contentment in knowing that it all comes from him. Proverbs 10:22 TPT
That’s the Double Portion.
I did not say it.
God did.
And it’s yours for the taking.
Really? How?
Through the Covenant we have with Jesus Christ, sealed by His Blood.
As for you also, because of the blood of My covenant with you, I have set your prisoners free from the waterless pit. Return to the stronghold, O prisoners who have the hope; This very day I am declaring that I will restore double to you. Zechariah 9:11–12 NAS
Jesus, Our Double Portion
Jesus Himself is our Double Portion. Our Overflow.
A thief has only one thing in mind — he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect — life in its fullness until you overflow! John 10:10 TPT
Satan is the thief that is stealing away our Anointing, blessing, honor, and wealth.
But Jesus died for us
On the Cross, He cried out,
It is finished!
It’s done. Completed.
The Double Portion is ours.
Should we choose to accept it.
Should we choose to accept Jesus.
Now Your Turn
If Jesus is already your personal Lord and Savior, claim the Double Portion.
I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. Mark 11:24 NLT
If you don’t know Jesus personally and you want His Double Portion, you need to receive Him as your personal Lord and Savior.
Pray with me:
Jesus, forgive me for my sins. I give you my life. Be my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I receive You as my Double Portion. Amen.
That’s it!
The Double Portion is yours.
Believe it. Receive it. Live it.
Live in Christ.
This is it for now. Till next week.
To our health, wealth, and victory — GODSPEED!
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