Double Mindedness No More!
The greatest wakening ever upon this earth, awaking, and acknowledging, understanding and returning once again into the sureness of “WHO GOD IS WITHIN HIS BELOVED UPON THIS EARTH!””
“No more Settling!”
“Every pastor, every believer, every teacher, ever beloved “ON PURPOSE,” within the Father, should repent and com e to and return to the Lord God who first loved us, care for us individually so much! “ALL,” returning to self-individually Caring enough to obey the Word of God! Not the rulers of mankind, simply just the True and Truth, Rulership of God!”
“All, surly should, yet many who shall and will not; these shall surely be revealed in their own religions, of their very own deceptions of deceiving and being deceiver of others!”
“For “my” God is not a toy nor does He allow Himself to be played with as a game!”
“The Lord God Almighty who’s name is “I AM that I AM!” He is the One God who’s blessings are given and who’s Woe’s become to all who as spoken in the language of this generation “players!””
“God’s Word declares that we are to obey the laws of the land; not possibly as they do, but still to obey it! Yet if the law itself has become corrupt and corrupted by and because of the desires of man’s own wanting to place even themselves above God, who is truly His Word made flesh and sent in to the world not that the world would be Condemned, but that it may be saved by God: that we too may be saved from the wickedness and evilness which was cast out of the heavens, into the world!”
“As history has proven and the enemies have tried to remove history itself; just as the devil declares to the angels, and remember a third of the angels believed and followed the devil!”
“So too did and does the people of this season and hour! Either we each individually decide to serve God, or we in our own purpose serve the devil!” “Period….”
“No middle ground, no luke warmness, no half in and half out.”
“For God’s people are, Saved only by and in and having God’s freely given Gift, to all mankind that we each individually might be saved by and through God’s Gift, Jesus, God’s Word made flesh and sent into the world! That we may have all of our being here on earth as within the heavens, reconciled back to the Father through and in the Son of God, He Himself named, “Jesus!””
“God reconciling us back fully ourselves, individually, merging His own Spirit with our own causing; no longer our separation away from God!”
“Ensuring that it is no longer we ourselves who live, but Christ who lives within us.” Period….”
“This is advised as is our very salvation, not to doubt.’ “Period….”
“Our fruits surly shall declare who we are and who’s we are.”
“No more wishy washy, fooling following after the ear ticklers even placed upon high places, many even by our very own doing.”
“The very ability of God “in us” in order that we might be set free from our sinfulness and be able to have our entire being in Him! That is our own spirit and soul!”
“For the hour has come and even now is; that the sons and the daughters of God Almighty shall humble themselves before God; repenting and repenting daily; turning truly away from all which this world has become; rejecting the evilness and wickedness of this very season of the latter days; so too shall God Himself in and through those He created for just such a time as this! God’s manifested children shall turn and bring about the restoring of everything which is good and righteous! God, being the only truly good and righteous One God!” “Period….”
“God’s Word alone Stands alone, and every Word H has ever spoken out of His mouth, has He ended with His Period.” “Period….”
“In one’s own desires to go out because of their own faith; let them go out among those who are sick; laying hands on them and believing that they be healed!”
“God is everywhere and He is God, and there is none other!”
“Who can measure God, who truly has no beginning and no ending, who is the First and the Last of everything ever created.”
“Do not allow fear of rejection to become the deceiver of those in this world nor any who try to pressure you to perform as they desire!”
“For God did not give us a spirit back into bondage, but a Spirit, His Holy Spirit, who we must acknowledge as greater within ourselves, than all other and else.”
“Even knowing and understanding and acting upon, “Even we it may be impossible for us, nothing is impossible for God.” Period….” “God who “NOW,” DWELLS within us who He has called and who have accepted His calling of us, back into Himself.” Period….”
“Are these Words my own, surly not, they belong to God, the same God, whom so many believe within their salvation for, yet, doubt many even all others of His Words.” Causing that one to truly not know God at all.” “Period….”
“God has openly and knowledgeably, given His wisdom through His Spirit, His Word; “that it is false 100% “that anyone can truly ever be just what they want to be….”
“God gives wisdom and knowledge to those who know Him!”
“Wonder why God directed to ensure that all His people stay inside and not go out, placing the blood of the lamb upon the door posts and the mantle of the doorway!”
“God directed and does so direct His beloved! Listen to His voice and His voice alone!”
“Be still, and Let God be God “IN” us all.” “Period….”
“Jesus didn’t debate with the leaders of the laws nor those in Rulership and those who sat in the seats of Moses; He simply said; obey the direction of the Power of the Word of God!”
“If even one becomes sick and effected because of another’s actions, when knowingly knowing, yet because of wanting to debate! “Is God not everywhere? Why than must one go out to find God?””
“Again, if one causes even one of these little one’ to fall! Even one!”
“Ask God, listen and obey Him and His voice alone! Many shall come in the name of the Lord!”
“Faith, believing, believing without doubting, yet do not put God to the test!”
“God loves us each and everyone, He desires you right where you are and He is not far away, He is right there, inside you, knocking upon your door!”
“Our battle is not with flesh and blood !”
“As for me and my house we shall serve the Lord right here and right now, where we are now and where His Holy Spirit leads us, everywhere we shall go!”
“I shall not be ashamed of the Lover of my soul, of my Spirit, and I shall go knowing that my God is for me and never against! That if my God be for me, then who can truly be against me!”
“For the same Spirit which raised Jesus Christ from the grave and death having no power at all over Him! Now His Spirit abides in me; and I will never reject the Spirit of God, freely offered and freely given within me!”
Will you too, “Period,”