A Double Life: Writer and Worker
Andy N (Andrew E Nicholson)
Experienced Freelance writer and artist. Also experienced Admin looking for new contacts & positions.in Legal, Financial Services and as a Civil Servant but has a will-do attitude.to pick everything up ASAP.
If you read my most recent non-fiction book about unemployment, it may give the impression I know what I am talking about with unemployment and how to battle against it to get a new role.
The reality is far from the case here I must be honest considering I am now reaching the end of probation in the role I am at, and it is not impossible I could well be out of a role again in just a few weeks (I hope not thou) so I have been keeping half an eye on what it is out there while working still on my second novel ‘Death’ in the evening which is going great (I have finalised page 154 on it the other night out of the 221 pages – I think it is around 51,000 words and I am pleased with it) and the second Polly Ocean album (an EP to follow over that shortly ish) and another project too, maybe two either in December or 2025.
I had an email through yesterday from an agency in Bolton I believe who were trying to get me to go for a receptionist/typist role probably not too dissimilar to what I am doing now in the Prestwich area. I researched the company as I do when contacted about companies, and then declined it simply because the money while a little more than what I am on now as the distance didn’t warrant travelling as far as what I would have to do to get (I reckon over an hour and a half each week).
When I was younger, I full well remember travelling some crazy distances for some temporary roles I did after leaving university, one in Bolton was a particular nightmare as I was on the road constantly visiting people in their homes which was lovely in the summer, but winter it was a total nightmare.
Every time changed for me towards the end of my time at the Co-Operative in 2011 when I contracted Diabetes and the energy, I had at Bolton went overnight, leaving me constantly borderline shattered for months which included the journey to and from work that could easily prove too much. In 2012, I eventually went to work at the Courts in Salford which worked well for me through flexitime as I was not in any kind of fit state for years after to manage 9.00 to 5.30 pm finishes etc.
Currently, I have a fairly easy journey to and from work (when the bus turns up), but it doesn’t mean I will not travel further afield in the future (or work from home again), the lesson I have learned over the last few years working post working at the Court is the work-life balance, post Diabetes the energy I used to have being on the road all the time in Bolton simply doesn’t exist and I have to manage my energy now.
After leaving the Courts, at two of the jobs I worked I had to say no to certain tasks that they wanted me to do which were not part of the job description.
It's an important lesson I feel anything who works full time in the sense that the older you get, the more careful you have to be with your energy levels (and this includes whether you have or have not unlying health conditions). After leaving the Courts, at two of the jobs I worked I had to say no to certain tasks that they wanted me to do which were not part of the job description. It's a balancing act, navigating the demands of work while preserving one's well-being.
It’s a delicate dance, one that requires constant adjustment and self-awareness. Ultimately, I’m striving to find a sustainable rhythm that allows me to thrive both personally and professionally and allows me to be creative and still earn a decent salary each month.
Beyond the CV is out now and can be purchased at all of the usual places including https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beyond-CV-Lessons-Unemployment-2024-ebook/dp/B0DJ7BQQ17?ref_=ast_author_mpb
My second novel ‘Death’ will be out in 2025
More non-fiction pieces can be found on my substack page
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