"The Dots are Connecting"
Deanna Irvin
Leading Ladies of Aerospace, Aviation & Defense | MIL-STD Aerospace Manufactured Products | Advanced Technologies (3DP Highly Engineered Materials) | VVIP Hospitality | Curator of Corp. Events in the Aviation Industry
For the past year I have finally come to an understanding of what "The Dots are Connecting" means. I have found myself saying this on multiple occasions, and it is usually when one of my "careers" beautifully meshes into one of my other "careers". At this point you may be needing a bit more clarification on my use of the word "careers".
I have been chartering out private jets and providing hospitality services to the pro sports and entertainment industry for over 20 years now. The very first time I was able to work a live show I knew in the first five minutes; I have embarked on another career path. My soul was in. (I use the word career because this is something I do see me doing until I just physically and mentally cannot anymore...and to me, that is a career).
So now here I am, booking jets and travel for artists, the block of rooms for the fans, working the actual shows and then boom. Here comes another dot. I find myself in a new realm helping re-design and manufacture manned and unmanned aircraft in the aviation world. After being an independent contractor for so long, I wanted that corporate stability, etc....or so I thought I did.
For 7 years I was in what most call today that “corporate world” and holy shit did it suck the life out of me. It gave me life too- which I will get to later. I found myself right in the smack dab of a Netflix should be show. I fell in love with the 3D printing world. Not only with the technology I have only seen on Star trek but also with the fast pace of making ideas and inventions come to life. To see a client who started their dream on a napkin and that turned into a printed protype and then to mass production. I mean wow. Dots are connecting here because I am now working on large global aerospace long term programs. These are the aircraft my friends and family fly on. On the weekends and my vacation days I would go and work festivals/events. That kept my soul tank full!
I am all about long standing relationships. To work on million-dollar accounts, creating and building beautiful trusting business relationships over a long period of time, only to have that taken from you by some made up bs is not ok. We all know what those excuses are on why you were let go, but we know the real reason. My last “lay-off” with severance was the last straw for me in that “corporate” world. It was also a blessing in disguise. I had been treated like I have never experienced in my life. I soaked it in, I took it, and I absolutely did not introduce then to any previous clients of mine I was already getting complaints and I did not want to jeopardize the relationships I had build over the years with a previous company. Even though out of that industry, I am still in contact with most of those engineers and program managers to this day! Which brings me to the next dot…that is connecting.
Fast Forward, I lose my job last year because of “Covid” even though it was really because I had a voice. They did not like me speaking up for myself or my clients who were unhappy, so I was let go with that word some call severance, some call hush money. Pick your poison, either way, you lost our job and now what. I will tell you what. I went into some businesses with some friends. Right there you probably thought “bad idea”. Wrong. I have been working with these friends in the aviation industry for over 20 years, just in different capacities. We always said when we were young that if us all aviation masters OG’s were to start a business together, we would be unstoppable. Guess what, we started some business together …and of course they all too, have their own dots that are connected. One company provides VIP and hospitality services, creates boutique events, etc. One company provides private jetaways to beautiful destinations and exclusive resorts globally, yacht charters and villa rentals and all things luxury. . The sister to this provides hotel blocks for groups, all-inclusives, commercial travel packages, etc. So, you see the dots connecting for me personally- the travel, the music industry, the hospitality and now…drones! Enter the next connecting dot.
One of our business partners started a Women’s Owned drone business. I was asked if I knew anything about drones and it just so happened I did. I learned a bit in the 3D printing world, so I knew who the players were. I also know how most are manufactured all the way down to material and technology so that keeps my soul tank full on my “geeky” side. I love it! Now the dots are about to all collide together.
The drones are disinfecting stadiums and arenas helping the live entertainment, sports and music industry get back on its feet…or should I say seat! The travel companies are booking flights, etc. for the fans and artists who will be going into these stadiums that are clean and safe! I am serving up my hospitality at its finest in one of these establishments…… and just like like, all of my “careers” have collided. All the dots have connected, and it all makes sense now. Each dot is like a brush stroke of a different color of happiness that is making a masterpiece. Dont feel like you have to live your life with one dot. If it makes you smile, and fills your soul tank, pursue it and before you know it, you have made a career and money from it!
Steve Jobs was indeed correct in his quote, at least from my personal experience!