DotNames: Weekly integrations. Week 50 of 2023

DotNames: Weekly integrations. Week 50 of 2023

While you have been busy with on-chain domains and DotNames Quests, we have been busy with making new on-chain friends!

You will have noticed all the integrations and collaborations we have participated in.

Here are all the friends we made last week:

  1. OKX Wallet X DotNames: OKX wallet can now be connected to the platform and the quests and Names Points can now be stored on your OKX wallet.
  2. MagicSquare X DotNames: MagicSquare is a community-based listing, questing and rewards platform. Go to… and vote for us to spread the gospel of web3 domains even further!
  3. BlazPay X DotOmni: Blazpay helps users navigate the complex world of crypto and we make it easier still with web3 domains and on-chain identity. BlazPay and DotOmni make the Omni blockchain so much easier to use.
  4. ShardStarter X DotShm: ShardStarter is Shardeum blockchain's community and DeFi launchpad. Start your Shardeum and on-chain identity ShardStarter and us.
  5. TaskOn X DotNames: TaskOn is a questing, community and reward-based engagement web3 platform where you can earn tokens and NFTs by engaging. Follow us on TaskOn at and be on the lookout for DotNames quests!



