The Dos and Don'ts of Social Media Marketing
We are a web design agency helping businesses of all size get a better return from online activities.
In the fast-paced world of social media, where the Instagram algorithm keeps switching up, figuring out the best ways to nail it can be a bit of a challenge. But hey, no worries! Techysquad is here to spill the beans on our top social media tips and tricks for 2024! Check out some do's and don'ts we swear by!
The Dos
Utilise social media analytics to monitor and evaluate the outcomes, subsequently adapting your strategy as necessary.
Try out different kinds of content and posting times to figure out what your audience likes the most!
Collaborate strategically with influencers to expand your reach to a broader demographic.
Run fun social media giveaways to create buzz and connect with your followers!
Utilise social media advertising as a means to effectively engage with a specific and well-defined audience.
The Don’ts
Don’t post too much promotional stuff. People will probably like your posts more if they're not just all about selling your products or services.
Don't ignore negative feedback. It is advisable to consider all feedback received and make necessary adjustments accordingly.
Don't use too many hashtags. Using too many hashtags, like over 30, can be a bit much and might come off as spammy. Try using keywords as hashtags instead!
Don't be afraid to experiment. There is no universal formula for social media marketing.
Don't be unauthentic. Be unique so your audience can connect with you.
Need Help Managing Your Social Media?
Grow your social media following strategically! Let our expert team of marketing professionals manage and maintain your social profiles so you can focus on other aspects of your business.