Do’s and Don’ts for Planning Your Holiday Party
Make your celebration memorable by thinking outside the box!
Summer is ending, and the holiday season will be here before you know it. Now is the time to start thinking about holiday party plans for your company.
But before you dive into planning, there are a few things to take into consideration: how do you want to celebrate? When do you want to celebrate? And, most importantly, where do you want to celebrate?
Some companies or organizations may opt to have a celebration at a different time of the year (because who isn’t busy during the holiday season)? Michigan's Adventure is a great place to host a summer celebration or a spooky celebration in the fall!
As you work through these questions, here are a few do’s and don’ts to make your planning process smoother.
Do: Decide now how you want to do to celebrate
To help guide your planning process, decide now what type of celebration you want to host: a sit-down dinner, a simple gathering at the office, or maybe an experience for your employees. Each has value, and how you celebrate should be catered to your company’s culture.
Gathering at a spot like Michigan's Adventure can be a great way to provide your employees a bit of fun in a different environment from the office and can set apart your celebration from all the other holiday parties they’ll attend.
Don’t: Wait too long to book a location
Staying ahead of the game and booking a venue early for your holiday party ensures you get your first choice of spot. You don’t want to add to the stress of the holiday season by scrambling to find a place for your gathering only to discover everywhere is booked—especially for larger groups!
Do: Remember to incorporate appreciation for your employees
A holiday party is a time to celebrate a festive part of the year, but you can also make it an opportunity to show your employees how much you appreciate them—which helps retain them. This is a time to take a break and enjoy each other’s company.
Planning a holiday party to begin with shows appreciation, but look for ways to incorporate more, such as giving out awards for accomplishments or tokens of appreciation for all.
Don’t: Wait too long to host your party
The further you get into December, the more likely it is your employees will have family obligations or travel plans to attend to. Consider booking your summer party early—or even opt for an alternative holiday!
Host an employee appreciation event. Make it all about being grateful for their hard work. Kick off a new year by announcing a summer event! Your employees will likely appreciate not having one more thing to add to their December calendar if you mix it up.
Looking for a place to host your employee outing? Michigan's Adventure is the perfect spot to give your employees an experience they won’t forget. Start planning your event now!