The Do’s and Don'ts of Living on Your Own for the First Time #NewYear2025

The Do’s and Don'ts of Living on Your Own for the First Time #NewYear2025

Dear Young People,

Can you believe that we’re almost to 2025 ?!? I know many of you are caught up right now with your holiday errands, last minute gift wrapping, grocery shopping and preparations so I’ll keep this week’s issue short and sweet! As the new year dawns and you introspect on 2024, you’re probably thinking of all the wonderful things you want to accomplish, manifest and pursue in 2025. For some of you, this just might include moving into your own space and beginning a new era of independence as a young adult.

As someone who made this jump in late 2022, I’d like to offer you a few tips, hacks and tricks of the trade that would undoubtedly make your transition all the more seamless and palatable if this is indeed your intention or even something you’re heavily contemplating.

Should You Move Out?

Firstly, you have to have a serious heart to heart with yourself and question whether moving out on your own is the right decision for you at this current moment. In some cases, moving out represents the need to establish further autonomy in your life or can even be prompted by study/work opportunities outside of your hometown and/or native country. For others, moving out might be the gateway to greater peace of mind as you yearn to escape toxicity and a broken environment that drains you. Whatever the impetus, you have to weigh the pros and cons. In cases of instability, moving out might be the right future step but not necessarily a step you should pursue in the NOW. Besides, whichever reason motivates your decision, you don’t want to be ill-prepared financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually and then have to reconsider your decision. Each new step in your life should bring clarity and peace of mind; not headache and heartache. Decide wisely.

Moving Out is Cool Until It Isn't. Be Prepared!

A Roommate Might Be a Great Entry Point

As a young professional, now getting your feet wet in the game, moving in together with a roommate might be an ideal entry point to living autonomously but I want to emphasize the MIGHT. This was the decision I made and I could not have made a better choice but it all depends on the Individual you choose to take this big leap with. Are they dependable and reliable? Do they have their things together and are financially fit? Are they someone you can truly share a space with? Do they view the maintenance of a living space in the same ways that you do? Can you have honest and logical conversations with this person? Is their lifestyle and values congruent with your own? These are all of the questions that you NEED to answer truthfully before you even propose the idea. Based on my experience and observations, if your answer to any of these questions is ‘NO’, you’re better off going it ALONE. Trust me! There are some roommate from hell stories out there that you don’t want to become your own.

Explore All Options Before Settling

Additionally, when you begin the apartment/house/condo searching process, explore all your options before you make a definitive YES. I believe in seeing a place and knowing instantly but at the same time, it would be prudent to not place all your eggs in one basket. Explore a plethora of options in different areas, at varying price points and with differing amenities to see what’s available on the market first before you commit to one. Ask the realtors and landlords the right questions as well. Are utilities included or not? If so, which ones? Is the property really owned by whoever is saying they own it? Pay attention to the surrounding area and community as well. Is it safe? Does it mirror your aesthetic or what you want for yourself? Are essential stores and facilities located nearby? Is it close to public transit? Are emergency services like police, fire and ambulances close by? Are there any risks of natural disasters like flooding,etc.? These are all of the things you need to consider. A bomb apartment in a shady location is no bueno!

Save, Save, Save Prior!

Moving out is costly and requires considerable upfront investment especially if your place is not semi-furnished and/or furnished. Not only do you need to have the first month’s rent and the security deposit ready to go, you also have to consider major appliances like stoves, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, etc, furniture for your different spaces, cutlery, plates, cups, glasses, cleaning supplies, etc and a suite of other household items depending on your needs and levels of comfortability to ensure that your new space is a HOME. And this is predicated on the space being move-in ready! For spaces that may not be, you have to consider any maintenance works, painting, plumbing etc. that may need to be done also. Overall, regardless of your preferred option, investment is paramount. Based on my personal experience, I would say to prioritize saving first before you even begin the official search and site visits. I checked out the general real estate landscape online while I was saving my budgeted fund and only officiated the process when I already had my savings ready to go. This would save you unnecessary stress and make your move in process light.

Prepare for Unprecedented Expenses

As a young adult, you should already know that unexpected expenses are a major occurrence in life by now. You never plan for them, they just occur. This effect multiplies when you’re living on your own! Living on your own means you are responsible for all your needs and wants unless you have supplement income and/or allowances flowing in from familiar sources. If you don’t, then it’s all on you fam. There is always going to be something that you’re gonna forget to account for or something that’s going to pop up as a necessary expense that you didn’t plan for prior. In that vein, you always need to give yourself some breathing room financially every month in the event of any unplanned expenses. Think trips to the doctor or dentist, bills, medication, leisure activities, fluctuating prices at your usual grocery store and so many more scenarios. I can assure you that living on your own is going to amplify this effect in your life without fail so be prepared.

You have to be financially READY for this Leap! Don't Skip This Step.

Stability is Key

Furthermore, if you’re not economically stable right now, moving out on your own should not be on your vision board this year if you don’t also share the goal of elevating and improving your financial situation. I can not stress how important it is for you and/or your roommate to be financially stable before you take this major leap. It will not work out any other way and you’d be heading right back home with your tail between your legs very soon. Living on your own terms looks like a dream until it isn’t! It is a freeing and expansive experience yes, but only when you’re in a place to make this move. Moving prematurely is nothing short of a nightmare! Ensure you’re stable first before you even decide to make a move. Now I believe in crazy faith and manifestation but PRACTICALITY and PRAGMATISM is a MUST! Real life comes with strings attached. Don’t let your favourite TikTok’er sell you a dream. We love a leap of faith but leaping with no true vision and plan is CRAZY WORK!

I hope this article reaches the right people that need to read and internalize it! My intent is never to scare you but to give you the REAL DEAL. Even in my situation of being super prepared, there was still doubt and fear at the onset (and unplanned expenses!) but my preparations made the transition much easier. The last thing you want to do in the new year is make decisions that you wholeheartedly regret and leave a bad taste in your mouth. Moving out is a rite of passage in my eyesight but it also is something that needs to be approached conscientiously and meticulously.

Wishing each and everyone a Happy Christmas Holiday! See y’all again next week for another issue before the New Year ??

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See you next week!


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