Dos and Don’ts: The Full Architectural Visualization Guide

Dos and Don’ts: The Full Architectural Visualization Guide

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So, you’ve just chosen an architectural visualization provider, but have no idea where to start with. In this article, AIMIR shares our hard-earned experience with you concerning the Dos and Don’ts when dealing with your architectural visualization provider, for those who are struggling with first-time cooperation, or who are thinking about using the provider to their full potential.


1. DO prepare

One of the most effective and fundamental things to get your ideal visualization is preparation. For the first time use, research the provider and check their works and word-of-mouth. And then, the most important part, get your project files organized and ready. For example, you are working with a provider to get a set of 3D renderings for your unbuilt project. It is always the crucial part of cooperation that ALL supporting materials and files of your project are provided timely and accurately. This helps greatly in the working process and avoids unnecessary back-and-forth. Here “accurately” is the key. Please try to avoid a sea of unorganized data and files and incomplete documents. You don’t want a longer delivery date just waiting there while your visualizer is fighting with your messy files.

On top of these, it will be much helpful if you can provide reference images/animations for the mood and atmosphere you like. You’ve seen some fancy images online and you want your project to be created the same type of stunning work. Welcome! Your visualizer is more than happy to see references because it will make the production much easier.

If you think the above are too much work to do, don’t worry, AIMIR has a complete checklist system from the materials you need to prepare and the effect you’d like for final results. Easy to start with.

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2. DO know what you want

Before starting a new project, be sure to determine your desired result and make a pact – with yourself and others in your team – not to stray from it. This is vital because AIMIR have experience dealing with clients who seemed confident about what they want in the very first place and suddenly changed their mind out of blue in the middle of production. It muddles the workflow and makes what has been done undone. In this case, your visualizer and you can work together to fix it if the due date is not an issue. It is not reasonable to ask for final delivery within the same timeframe if the design and model are changed in the middle of production.


3. DO feedback

Feedback is an essential tool during architectural visualizing production. It refers to the mark-ups and comments on rendering drafts and feedback during or after the service. There are two key factors when talking about mark-ups and comments on drafts, timely and specific.

  • Be timely. There will be several rounds when mark-ups and comments are needed. Please try to keep your feedback time within 24 hours after you receive the drafts. And the most important: don’t vanish. We know it sounds funny but it did happen more than once that the clients vanished during the production, and showed up to ask for the final works when the project was about to be delivered.
  • Be specific. Try to avoid ambiguous comments such as “Wrong.” “I don’t like the color.” “This tree doesn’t look good.” You need to give more specific comments such as “The height is wrong, need to be 5cm higher.”, “Change this color to *color code*.”, “I don’t like the tree, change to palm tree please.”

Also, if you confront any issues or have any concerns, please voice them immediately. In fact, too many people give feedback only when things are going wrong unfortunately. However, positive feedback during or after the production will recognize their strengths and achievements and is beneficial for boosting the team. In the field, AIMIR has a Summary & Survey system. They summarize every project and send a survey to their client to get feedback on the service and product and how to work better in the future.

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4. DO listen to others

Yes, you are the architect, you are the designer, but this is still the most important skill that everyone was taught and is trying to master: listening. People love the sound of their own words penetrate the psyche of others. But in some cases, the veteran 3D artists are actually doing a better job than you. It might be a good idea if you listen to them this time. Of course, this rule only applies to some specific circumstances.


5. DON’T be afraid of trying

There might be situations where your architectural visualization provider offers you an idea that they believe better or more suitable. Trust me, they are veterans and they do voice what’s vital. If they say night mood is better than daytime for this rendering, you might just let them make it happen, and then you will see what the night view looks like. You are an expert in designing, and they are experts in visualization. The whole point of this is sometimes you don’t have to stick with your plan. Let professionals do their job.

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. DON’T stay away from communication

You want your visualizer to focus their work on the goals and objectives that you have for the project. But do they know what your plan really is? Have you delivered it precisely and clearly? Communication is incredibly important to any corporation. AIMIR has to say communication can mean the difference between your project’s visualization succeeding or failing. On-time delivery requires the cooperation of both parties. You cannot just give project files to your visualizer and vanish. It is understandable that architects are busy especially during some particular seasons, but if your visualizer asks for a confirmation to proceed, it is decent to reply to your answer quickly, even in a few words.


7. DON’T be repetitive

As an old Asian saying goes: “There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes.” People have different feelings and opinions about the same thing. But when you are visualizing a project, it is helpful to have the agreed comments. It doesn’t matter whether you’re working for yourself, or you’re in a team. AIMIR has clients who gave comments on drafts and when they received the modified drafts, others in the team had come up with contradictory comments. Another example is an architect who commented differently on the same drafts. Multiple feedback only leads to repeated modifications and adjustments, which are timing-consuming. It is important to keep your visualizer’s eyes on your goal, the simple and straightforward goal, in order to work effectively with you. AIMIR has an article on how to give comments here.

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8. DON’T be disorganized & poor scheduling

Have a schedule. Make the deadline crystal clear in the very first place. In most cases, the production won’t be as smooth as chocolate, things may happen, both you and your visualizer need to have an idea about the due date so that both of you are able to arrange things and prioritize them. AIMIR is trying to avoid unscheduled projects with an out-of-blue rush requirement on final delivery. It is well-known that sufficient time is crucial to high-quality drawings which take time to upgrade details. The same to architectural visualization. For a high-end rendering, it usually takes 6 hours to 24 hours for rendering and post-production. As to animation, the number may double. No one likes rush works since the quality will take a back seat due to insufficient time.

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Okay, now you have the Dos and Don’ts in dealing with architectural visualization providers. Some of them are hidden rules that no one will ever tell you. For a reliable 3D architectural visualization provider, you can feel free to contact AIMIR at, and AIMIR will assist you on your journey.


