DOs and Don'ts for foreign heads on how not to repeat #TrudeauInIndia episode?
Justin Trudaeu visit attracted lot of media attention worldwide with many calling it "disastrous" and "forgettable". But definitely there are some lessons to be learned from this visit. Here are some of the key DOs and Don'ts for foreign heads and foreigners as general while visiting India.
Manage your expectations
Not everybody gets a hug from Modi and no he is not an impulsive hugger. Modi is master of optics and on most occasions he controls what he wants to convey to viewers. One of the ways to know how important your countries is for India is looking where your country is stacked on its biggest trade partners. For example USA, China and UAE are largest trade partners and are country of importance to India. Countries like Russia and Israel that can offer technology to India in generally restricted area like defense carries more weight. Another set of countries like Japan, Vietnam, Mauritius, Seychelles which falls into strategic calculations are more welcome than others. So if don't belong to any of these bracket, expectation needs to tuned down.
Fact check: Is Canada big trade partners, technology supplier or country of strategic importance? No, it ranked lower than 22nd ranked South Africa, it exports wood, rice, and chickpeas to India. And despite what impression may suggest it is not of strategic importance. Narendra modi in 2015 became first Indian PM to visit Canada after 42 years.That is really really low in priority.
Don't try to please a community/group in India, you wont be able to
Justin trudeau spent 7 days visiting Temple, mosque, gurudwara, mausoleum (Taj mahal, if you didn't like the word). Still twitter was trending #tamilsfortrudaeu as he didn't visit south of India. You just can't. India is too diverse for foreign country head to please everyone. You are most like to trip trying too hard in this incomprehensible country.
Fact check: Justin trudaeu speaks in both official language both English and french while talking to media. India has 22 official languages. No matter how much you try many of them will be left out, still.
Don't listen to you Indian friends, colleagues, fashion designers; better ask your Indian embassy
If your friend is 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation Indian most likely they hav lost touch and country has changed. Even their tastes have changed. Better option is to cultural tips from most outgoing depute at your Indian embassy here. Most likely he/she must have developed Indian sense on how not to do a weird Namaste or Bhangra. Fashion designers and Bollywood dance troupes outside the India are worse. They would most likely make a fool out of you.
Fact check: As pointed out by many, Canadian PM wore too colorful a dress for male for a visit to tourist/religious destinations. His wife and kids can do it, you can't. What you wore is usually reserved for wedding day or on traditional outfit day.
Listen to Narendra Modi, carefully (if you have met before) and know their concerns
If prime minister is telling you that Radical sikhs in Canada are threat to India, the host is really serious about this. Meeting between two prime ministers at forums like G20, WEF are not casual talks. Even if you don't do it, there are people who put lot of hard work behind the scene to script what to say and what not to. If you country has invited you conditionally, remember the conditions and please do not deviate during the trip.
Fact check: Justin trudaeu visit was in planning for quite sometime despite repeated requests from the Canadian side during various meetings. However every time PM Modi spoke of Sikh separatism, Justin trudaeu spoke of "Freedom of expression". So visit could not be planned due to "scheduling issues". It was finally planned after their meeting at WEF when PM Trudeau himself dropped all talk of freedom of speech at the meeting and instead told Modi that he understood and respected Indian concerns. He further hoped that New Delhi would not allow this to adversely impact the health of an, otherwise, robust bilateral relationship.
Keep the team and schedule short and packed, schedule it after talking to you Indian counterparts
Although it is understood that while planning a "state visit" of country head, sometimes it is ignored. Extra number of days or people for that matter, is likely to attract media scrutiny at home. Matter may become worse in case TRP crazy Indian media get bones in your bag. Instead keep your schedule packed, keep releasing media updates at regular intervals to keep things in control. Bring only those people who are involved in business deals and are free from historical baggage that could be against the interest of the host nation.
Fact check: Most of the sikh ministers in Canadian delegate came with Justin Trudaeu just to tour India. Out of six memorandums of understanding (MoUs) only minister involved was the lady Bardish Chagger. Out of 8 days only half a engagement was schedule with Prime minister Modi, that too in the very end. Few of the visitors just tagged along since they were banned earlier and just could visit their holi sikh sites.One of invitees turned out too be a convicted criminal who tried to assassinate a cabinet minister of the host country.