Intermittent fasting during Navratri, following a healthy lifestyle, and a gluten-free diet offer many health benefits. It detoxifies the body, rejuvenates the digestive system, boosts immunity, and improves metabolism, organ function and overall health. However, following the fasting regimen judiciously is necessary to obtain optimal health benefits. People who have diabetes or heart patients or are suffering from any health condition should be cautious while fasting and may seek medical advice if necessary. Here are some tips for healthy fasting:

DO:?Ensure Your Fitness for Fasting

The first step toward effective fasting is to analyze your capability of fasting. Every individual holds different stamina and various medical conditions influence fasting competence. Pregnant or lactating women, diabetic people, kids under 18, and anyone with underlying medical problems should avoid fasting. People under certain medications should also skip fasting as prescription drugs may induce unpredictable reactions.?

DON'T: Forget to Hydrate Yourself

It is crucial to ensure that you consume adequate water and a liquid diet during fasting. Water deficiency in the body may cause dizziness, restlessness, and fatigue and result in severe health outcomes. The amount of fluid intake can be ascertained by checking the color of your urine. Light-colored urine indicates that you are adequately hydrated; else, increase the intake.

DO: Ensure Your Physical and Emotional Preparedness

Before fasting, ensure you are physically and physiologically prepared for fasting. Take proper rest and plan your fasting to get positive outcomes. Make suitable arrangements for the Saatvik food and sensibly formulate your fasting diet plan.

DON'T: Overindulge in Last Meal

Avoid gorging and overeating before fasting. According to nutritionists and wellness experts, the dinner before fasting should be a well-balanced and proportionated diet comprising lean protein, healthy fat, and lots of vegetables and fruits. Adding starch like sweet potato or legumes and low-glycemic fruits like berries to your meal will offer plenty of slow-burning nutrition to keep you energized during your fasting period.

DO: Avoid intense workouts and Exercising.

Do not indulge yourself in high-intensity workouts, as they may have adverse health effects. Opt for light exercises, yoga, massage, or acupuncture. Massage increases blood flow to the body's fatty areas and may help reduce cortisol.

DON'T: Overeat After Fast

Overeating after the fast may give rise to several digestive issues. Avoid heavy and spicy food; opt for light snacks so that your digestive system adapts to the change slowly and steadily. Frequent light meals after every two hours are optimal.

DO: Consult Your Doctor

People suffering from chronic ailments and individuals under specific medication should consult their healthcare providers before fasting. If you plan for day-long fasting, this step could be ignored for healthy people, but if you intend for successive nine days of fasting, you must consult your doctor.


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