#Wordsmithing in #discrimination. I have a degree in literature (that may make you ask why I make so many grammatical errors). I tore my rotator cuff in 2009 and typing has never been the same and dictation and autocorrect result in some of the mistakes I make. I am not less intelligent.
Now back to the topic at hand - #discrimination.
#Africans did not volunteer to come to America. The did cross on the #Mayflower. #Africans were purchased and sold to provide Americans with free labor. When we discuss ethnicity, we consider people from all places, genders, and religions, we freely think of us. Who is us? The #America we know today was built on the backs of the #enslaved and #poor people. The #NativeAmericans are the true #Americans. Yet, they were destroyed and their way of life reduced to invisibility. After the destruction of #NativeAmericans, enslaved people were reduced to #boy, #rapevictims, familydestruction, and #mud people. 400 plus years later, formerly enslaved people are fragile. #POTUS45 called #Covid the #Chinavirus. For black people who have chronic illnesses because of a passage in the bottom of a boat (#highbloodpressure and susceptible to every other ailment), Covid has become a killer of #blackpeople.
To be #black in #America is to be #killed by those meant to protect us. We are paid less we have more #education and #experience because we did get into the best schools, or we did not have the best grades. There are more men named John than there are CEOs, CIOs, or chief anything for people of color and women. The majority race says they are tired of hearing #peopleofcolor bemoan the past. Yet, the past reoccurs every day. We do not work for free, yet the pay is insufficient to afford us the opportunity to fully participate in the #AmericanDream. #DorothyCounts highlights how unwanted we have been and still are. As a #blacktechnology manager, I am #invisible. I am disrespected from above, below, and on either side me. It has been that way for a very long time! Dorothy Counts' experience is an example of the #intentional and #ongoing trials and tribulations of being #black in #America. All people matter. Your skin, hair color, eye color, your wealth reflect the exterior of something. It does not mean you are less. It means you are apart of everything and eveyone. #DorothyCounts is your and my legacy of success and failure!