The Doorway to Fulfilment
The Transforming Power of the Deeper Self
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
― Aristotle
Do you ever wonder why you feel the way you do? What’s the source of the impulses that drive your thoughts and feelings? Where can we find the origins of your behaviours? Is there any choice in the matter of who you are?
Over hundreds of thousands of years, humans have developed incredibly rich and complex traditions, diverse religions and entire encyclopedias of philosophy to explain the mysteries of life. Yet the ultimate question might still prove to be the hardest of all to answer: who are we?
More often than not, the complexity of the answers slips beyond the boundaries of rational thought analysis and into the unchartered territory of mysticism.
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
― C.G. Jung
This is hardly surprising since language is an inadequate medium to fully express the full implications of the question. Moreover, if our subconscious minds are allowed to play their part in offering insights into who we are, conventional language soon falls short of adequately describing the symbolic insights of the great unconscious.
At the center of your being you have the answer;
you know who you are and you know what you want.
― Lao Tzu
The motivation behind this exploration of who we really are is to discover what’s driving most of our habits, behaviours, thoughts and feelings. There’s a distinct possibility that if you peeled away all the familiar patterns of your regular sense of personal identity, you might be very surprised at what remains.
And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?
― Rumi
The challenge is based on the understanding that our habits make up around 95% of everything we do. That’s an extraordinary insight into the true nature of our behaviour. It means that for most of the time we’re operating almost entirely on automatic pilot. This reliance on habits can hide who we really are. It obscures our deeper sense of self. In fact, we become so closely associated with our vast array of daily habits that we easily mistake these familiar behaviours for who we are.
And, whilst this might seem like a very controversial suggestion, this is why so few people today have any idea who they really are.
Does that strike you as controversial? Most people shake their heads and reply that – of course – they know who they are. But, if we begin to strip away the old, familiar yet entirely superficial layers of what we accept as our personality, what remains is often unrecognisable in terms of who we’ve always believed we are. Confusing? It’s bound to be a challenging concept to consider. We’re discussing something that’s remained largely invisible and undetected throughout most of your life yet, at the same time, we’re suggesting that it’s also immensely important.
Thousands of years of profound contemplation and mental exploration have revealed that the inner self is largely invisible. So, in many ways, it’s bound to be a fascinatingly alien concept of who we might really be.
And the pathway that leads us to this discovery is the way of meditation and mindfulness.
I have always been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books. I have begun to listen to the teaching my blood whispers to me.
― Hermann Hesse
As you learn to let go of your immediate, conditioned reactions, as you learn to become more aware of how your behaviours seem to function automatically, as you develop a more detached form of indifference to the events that seek to envelop your attention and distract you from who you really are – something emerges from deep within you and it’s highly likely that it will surprise you with its brilliant intensity.
When it happens, when the deeper sense of self emerges unexpectedly from the depths of our consciousness, it’s a moment that has no equal. Because it’s a direct link to something so profound that it astonishes with its ability to overwhelm our old and limiting ideas of personal identity. It simply emerges from the background of your daily experience and reminds you with extraordinary intensity that it has always been there. It endows your senses with a profound sense of continuity, as if you’ve touched a part of yourself that seems to dwell beyond the mundane concerns of everyday life. The ancient sages held that it was an expression of something immortal within us but that’s a debate that would be better reserved for poets, philosophers and mystics.
Whilst we may be seeking reassurance that our deeper self is perhaps a more complete version of ourselves, the experience of those who’ve touched this profound aspect of the self suggest that it rarely bears any resemblance to the personality that we wear in our daily existence. They also caution us that it rarely lingers for more than a moment, as if its intensity is almost too much for our conscious minds to endure.
But, once you’ve glimpsed it, it will leave the gift of its brilliant mark on your perception and serve as a constant reminder of what truly resides within all of us.
It cannot be seized or held or pressed into service. It’s beyond all of these considerations. Yet, for those who’ve glimpsed its singular and enduring beauty, it extends a form of complete acceptance that can serve as the catalyst for extraordinary change in all areas of our lives.
Once you’ve glimpsed its presence, you wouldn’t want to waste another moment of your life pretending to be anything else.
If the most direct pathway to this expression of the deeper self is the daily practice of mindfulness and meditation, we’d like to invite you to begin this great adventure today. Seize the moment and explore the hidden and life-changing potential that resides within you. And discover the answer to the greatest question that confronts all of us: who are you?
Greg Parry created The Wellness Foundation and the Cognitive Empowerment Programs specifically to help people master their stress, overcome their limitations and explore the power of their true potential.
Exciting news - the Wellbeing Foundation Courses for personal growth and transformation are now available online. It’s like having Greg alongside you in the comfort of your own home.
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