Doors and Windows and Opportunities – Oh My!
Lisa K. McDonald
Achieve Career Growth, Make Bold Moves & Lead Confidently ?? Executive EQ, Confidence & Career Coach | Award-Winning Brand Strategist
I know when going after a goal, hearing a cliché like “when one door closes another opens” can feel like nails on a chalkboard. It can be hard to have a positive attitude and see disappointments as opportunities.
Been there, done that. I get it. I know during the midst of slamming doors all around me when someone cheerfully said that to me, in my head, I wanted to throat-punch them.
I didn’t of course. But I can relate to that frustration. One of the hardest parts for going after something you want is that frustration. You can find yourself questioning everything about yourself. Am I not good enough? What am I doing wrong? What else do I need to do to make this happen – I’m doing everything I can!
What is it you need to do? Don’t give up. No matter where you are, no matter how far away your goal feels, don’t give up. I know it is easier said then done, just try. Try one more time. Not giving up doesn’t mean going harder or faster. It means focusing on right now, the things that you are doing in that moment. Do immediate actions with excellence, humility and grace and you might be surprised by a window flying open instead of a door.
It is easy? No. But boy, oh boy, does it feel good when you get there.
CeCe is an amazing woman. She has been in human resources for years. Her company was going through multiple reorganizations – i.e. systematic slimming of employees. Her time was coming.
There was a lot of fear there. One of her biggest fears was age. Would another company giver her a chance or want a younger professional?
On top of that, she wasn’t doing what she really wanted to do. Her dream was to get back into learning and development. It had been years since she was in a L&D. Was it too much to ask to not only get another job, but one in the area she truly desired?
After applying and applying with no results, we got together. The first thing we did was refocus her resume on where she wanted to go. We created a visual, powerful document that exuded her value, vitality and expertise.
Then she went to work. She started applying again, landing several interviews but coming in second. Although frustrated, she did not give up. She kept applying, networking and keeping her eyes open for opportunities. Meanwhile, the reorg got to her. She was out of work.
Then a dream job came up. Oh boy, did she want this job. It was L&D and in an industry she was familiar with – it was perfect. She had the interviews, they went fabulously. This was it. The door was finally opening.
Unfortunately, the call came – second choice. As crushing as it was, she was graceful to the employer and grateful for the opportunity to meet with them.
But then it happened – a window flew open out of the blue.
Turns out, after the rejection the CEO (we’ll call him Bob) went to lunch with a buddy of his, another CEO. During lunch, his buddy told him that needed to create a position in HR to head up L&D among other things. Bob’s response:
“Boy have I got the perfect person for you”
I haven’t seen CeCe’s feet touch the ground since. This position is even better than her dream job. It is in a whole new industry so she is excited to learn something new. She has been there for a bit now and is thrilled, even thankful for all those doors because the led to a conversation outside her purview that brought her more than she asked for.
It can happen. Even if you have what you think might be a huge obstacle, in CeCe’s case the age factor. Even if you dream beyond what you think is possible. Even if it feels like every door slams in your face, don’t give up. It can and will happen. Tweak your plan, perfect your execution, get back up, try one more time.
Keep knocking – it might not open the door you want, but it could cause a much better window next to it to fly open.
As a triple certified as a Professional Resume Writer, Career Coach and Social Media Brand Analyst I help leaders break out of a suffocating corporate existence and into a position and place that renews their brilliance. I get people unstuck in their careers.
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