The Door Is Closing! What Will You Do...
Carina Ghionzoli
Guide| Host of BreakFearFindFreedom Podcast| Finding Blessings Beyond Fear.
This week’s quest for freedom is all about doors and the door is opening for our Azlanz Way Experience Event, too.
Your fortunes are shifting, so stay vigilant of all the many opportunities surrounding you. Last week, my friend lost $50, but the next day he received a gift worth $1500. This made me think about how we often fixate on losses–be it friends, relationships, or material possessions–without considering the grand scheme of things. Sometimes we resist the closure of a chapter even when signs point to its end, straining to keep the door ajar with sheer determination. We ask ourselves: what if it closes? What will happen then? We concoct narratives, rationalizing the need to keep it open. I’ve encountered this scenario repeatedly in my life, where I clung to fading friendships, maintaining contact despite a cycle’s natural conclusion. While some might argue this mirrors true friendship, I now know cycles end to allow fresh ones to start.
What if we celebrated those chapters? Instead of feeling disheartened by the door closing, consider the months, days, or even years shared with a person. Revel in the beauty of past escapades, recognizing that destiny will reunite kindred souls if it’s meant to be. It’s time to allow doors to gently close, and open the array of doors awaiting our entry. Remember to glean wisdom from each experience; otherwise, life’s lessons will circle back to instruct us.
Forgetting isn’t the aim; it’s about cherishing the memories. Recollect the person’s essence, the laughter, profound conversations, connections, and adventures. Bid adieu to the open door in favor of closure for the collective’s sake. Reflect upon the door you’re fervently clutching and propping open.?
Why is this so?
In my recent?BreakFearFindFreedom?podcast episode, I engaged in a poignant dialogue with Barbara Gates, a courageous mother who battled to save her son. Her narrative transcends mental illness, addiction, and homelessness, delving into the realms of humanity, love, and change. It’s a story that impacts us all, regardless of our willingness to confront it.
As we approach the Azlanz Way Alice in Wonderland experience on #SDAugust2023, the journey has been an enlightening one on many levels. This endeavor encompasses more than event coordination; it’s about nurturing relationships, multifaceted collaborations, and transparency. The foundation rests upon speaking out, cultivating trust, and embracing uncertainty. Amidst the journey, we deftly navigated curveballs to craft San Diego’s most innovative event, a movement amplifying mental health and spirituality. Our aim is to usher in essential transformations, sculpting the change we collectively crave.?
For those fortunate enough to secure tickets, I anticipate our meeting on the 12th. To those who couldn’t, this is just the inception of an expansive journey. Stay tuned and share this message to encourage others to join this revolutionary movement.
Watch BreakFearFindFreedom YouTube Channel for videos from the event.?
Thank you for being in my world!