Lonnie Brooks
Lonnie Brooks helps high net worth individuals accumulate, maintain and pass on wealth.
The Bull Market Officially Ended Yesterday
Bloomberg April 25, 2018
Why The 1929 Stock Market Crash Could Happen In 2017
Mark Kolakowski Updated January 16, 2018 Investopedia
The Stock Market is Looking a Lot Like 1929
Brett Arends March 14, 2017 Marketwatch
'We're Right on the Brink' of a 50% Stock Market Crash, Expert Says
?Scott Gamm Apr 2, 2018 The Street
This isn’t exactly fake news – it’s what I call fear journalism. It turns out that fear is a bigger motivator than greed. Why write about the current Bull Market (at 9 years it’s the second longest bull market ever) when you get a lot more clicks by predicting gloom and doom.
This causes a problem when the market makes a correction. Stock Market corrections are normal and happen on average every 357 days, or about once a year according to the investment firm Deutsche Bank. Our last correction was two and a half years ago.
Investors mistake the correction for the doom and gloom everybody has been predicting. Panic ensues and often leads to the BIG BLUNDER - a decision to sell investment assets at the worst possible time. The effect on your retirement plans, business plans, college funding and lifestyle can be devastating.
It’s especially a problem for retirees who depend on their investment portfolios to maintain their standard of living. Investors approaching retirement (over age 45) might not have time to recover.
At our firm we have a short presentation – “Intelligent Investing” – that explains how to deal with investment fears and avoid the BIG BLUNDER. We’d love to arrange a complimentary appointment to discuss our approach to investing. We are setting appointments for July.
Email me to get started - [email protected] Put Doom and Gloom in the subject line.
Lonnie Brooks, CFP?, ChFC, AEP
Disciplined Equity Management, Inc.
A Fee Only Registered Investment Advisor