Don'ts for Constructive Feedback
InfluenceHR Consulting LLC
Helping busy leaders and HR attract, retain and develop talented employees!
Constructive feedback
In this post, we will explore 3 manager types and some feedback traps that aren't conducive to effective feedback that I share in my Boss to Coach workshops.
3 Manager Types That Suck at Feedback
1. The People-Pleaser Manager
2. The Overly Aggressive Manager
For this example, let’s look at Miranda Priestly in The Devil Wears Prada. She is portrayed as mean, cutthroat, and cold. A quote from her is, “I had hope but you ended up disappointing me more than any of the silly girls.” Miranda’s feedback obviously didn’t come from a place of caring and concern.
3. The Laissez Faire Manager
In this case, I’ll use Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation as my example. Ron was Leslie Knope’s deadpan superior. He said, “I once worked with a man for three years and never got to know his name. Best friend I ever had.” Ron clearly didn’t care about building relationships with others. He was quite disengaged and was just checking off the days until he could retire.
In addition to these management styles that aren’t conducive to being a good “feedback giver”, I wanted to call out a few ineffective feedback traps.
I hope this is helpful in determining what NOT to do. Stay tuned next week for a model to help you give feedback well! If you'd like more of this type of content, join my blog!
#feedback #coaching #leadership