Don't Worry Your CORRUPT Legacies WILL Speak for themselves!!!

Don't Worry Your CORRUPT Legacies WILL Speak for themselves!!!

Even the Alligators are Running from These #Lying #Corrupt #Crooked#Dishonest #Selfish & #Greedy Characters!!!

Don't Worry Your CORRUPT #Legacies WILL Speak for themselves!!!

There is NO place in A #GreatAmerica for The dismantling of it by Corrupt Life Long #Politicians like these!!!

You have ALL #disgraced yourselves and Made a mockery of our #Laws and #Constitution!!!

NOW Let the Chips Fall as They may!!

#WashingtonElitists who want to #DANCE will #PAYthePIPER Too like everyone Else!!!

We Have found All of You in the Swamp so the Draining will Commence!!!

You are ALL so #Pathetic The Alligators are trying to Escape the #Swampbecause they Know the Cut throat Games you will Play/Dish out on them as well!!!

#DonaldTrump is OUR #PresidentofTheUnitedStates and will Speak & Represent #WEthePEOPLE!!!

#DraintheSwamp #TermLimits #Clintons #Obamas #Reid #Pelosi #CNN #ABC#NBC #CBS #CNBC #WASHINGTONPOST #CorruptMedia #HillaryClinton #BarrackHusseinObama #BillClinton #LorettaLynch #JamesComey #JusticeDept


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