Don't Worry God Is Working It Out

Don't Worry God Is Working It Out

Today's motivation has God in it ?? . Yes it is possible to speak words of impact to people, like don't give up, you can do it, don't lose focus, focus on yourself and many other topics we have done in the past or even many we have listened to at one point or another, yet it seems we cannot do it, yet we are discouraged and feels like nothing is moving and we are just wasting time pushing and being hopeful. That is why today's motivation is coming up, we are talking about a supernatural Power that is working behind the scenes whenever we are pushing and hopeful, we are talking about the Power of God that does the things we are focused on achieving even when we have not gotten them yet.

We cannot leave God out of our lives or out of words of encouragement and comfort. Even though we are not in church now and this is not a sermon, it has been proven that those who are wise and achievers in life are those who regard God in their lives. There is a part of us that God must fill. Anytime we don't allow God to fill that part of us, what we have is emptiness and dissatisfaction over everything we are doing or the results we have.

After much introduction, let's go to the words of encouragement and motivation that has regards for God in it.

You see many times in our lives, we try to move and then it becomes difficult to move, we work and work and then there is no result, we focus on the goals not minding the difficulties and challenges around us yet we are not getting to the goal and we are not even moving forward towards the goal at all. We are often discouraged and unwilling to continue and even when we choose to continue, people around us talk words to us that literally make us feel like we are a pester who is just constantly being annoying trying to get things that cannot be possible.

I am here to tell you that it is possible. You are doing things right and the goals will definitely be achieved. You are not a pester, you are not a nuisance, in fact you are not crazy for believing in a great dream while you have nothing to achieve it yet.

I am here to tell you that God is working things out already. We see during the times of Daniel in the Bible, he was praying for 21 days without results but the day his answer finally got to him, the angel told him, that from the first day his prayers has been answered and the angel to deliver his answer has been on the way since then. It's same with us too. Whenever we have great dreams we don't have resources to achieve them yet, God goes out on our behalf, sending out angels in different corners of life to work things out for us. God knows the best way to answer our prayers and to give us the good desires of our hearts in a way that we will not have to regret them. Sometimes, there are some blockage in our lives that will not allow us to have those blessings, God needs to remove them. At other times, there are some things we need to do or be doing that will be the foundation on which our blessings can stand upon and not fall, there are some places we need to be that will be good places where our blessings can meet us and we won't lose them after achieving them, there are people we need to meet or be in contact with that will be of help to us when our blessings come that their influence in our lives will make our achievements a lasting one. These are things God is working out that makes it look like we are not seeing results. There is result actually. If you can consider each of these things I mentioned that God is working behind the scenes you will see that there are results in each category.

Well I'm talking from experience, I remember when I started praying for greatness, in my mind I thought I would wake up the following morning and then it will be announced on BBC News that I am already a great person ?? but that is not how God works, God first gave me works to do, one of it is this work of motivating people through blogging, then I have to do them continuously, and I have to keep sharing them far and wide as far as I can, then the thoughts of meeting people who are interested in what I preach started coming, at first I didn't find anyone, but with continuous sharing I started meeting people who are encouraging me to continue, these are people I talked about that will hold you when you finally achieve your goals, achieving goals is one thing, maintaining the achievement is another thing which needs more power. That is why we have to trust God's plans. God's thoughts for us are thoughts of good to give us an expected end. Amen. Don't give up, don't lose focus, anytime you are feeling discouraged always remember God is working things out.


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