Don't Work Hard!
Dimas R Suharta
Crewing Coordinator/HR & Crewing/HR Marine/Crewing Team Leader/SOP regulation & Procedure establishment/10+ years experience in crewing
Don't Work Hard!
I do believe everyone has a motivation to get their own success (success level is variate and relative). No matter how suffer we are but (for sure) we will fight for it. Wake up early and at home late is just a small routine activities on days.
Work Smart instead of Hard!. Even though we are only a staff, it doesn't mean that we don't act smart.
- Changing of Mindset of how we work is an important key to get there. Throw away out the thought that we are working for the company and turn it into "Company is just a vessel to accommodate our-self development" so we actually do is We work for our self, we work for our future and we work for our success; this will make us working with full of responsibility and discipline
- Understanding what we do instead of do something without knowing where the process will be lead us to.
- Focus on the job to reach the goal
- Simplify the job without violating any applicable rules and regulation and
- Accurately runs the process to achieve the target.
Just Remember, what ever our position is, respect your self and others will respect you as well.
Good afternoon
Cmiiw :)