Don't WISH it... Just Catch it!

Don't WISH it... Just Catch it!

Covid19. Money running out of households. Homelessness on the rise. Unsafe public educational atmospheres. Unsafe Public Education Atmospheres.


Then there are our frontline workers who can't breathe either. And black folks still worrying about getting shot or choked by people who don't realize there are more people of color on this planet than those who are proud to be HUE-man.

Aw heck! Let's just go straight for the jugular vein on these issues based on something that most folks forget about.

All the world is a pyramid. It's either a pyramid that we are equipped to conquer together to get to the top and bring others along or it is a pyramid set up to where the conquerers will enslave those unaware of how to climb it.

And if those who CALL themselves leaders at any level of the trek are not concerned about getting down and dirty with the people who are trying to make their way off the slippery slopes of life, then everyone gets buried under the Rubble of Bad Decision-Making.

Now let's talk about the organizations that are totally clueless on how to tap into wealth for their organization that used to be dependent upon donations from corporations that went (and are still going) belly-up because of our current global pandemic.

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