(DON'T) Wipe Your Tears Away

(DON'T) Wipe Your Tears Away

There is something special about tears that we don’t realize. We often consider that our tears only slip down through our eyes whenever we are hurt. If we are lucky, we call them tears of joy. We, human beings, ought to withstand feelings that coerce our brains to respond. Ergo, we have distinct manners of reflecting ourselves on a blank slate of our peace, and sometimes, chaos.

The shortest verse written in the scripture is in?John 11:35: “Jesus wept.” Certain occurrences made Jesus weep three times as read in the book of?Isaiah 53:3?saying “Our?savior?was a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.”

Nothing is more fascinating than learning that tears are prayers, too! According to?Psalm 56:8, tears are prayers indeed. They travel to God when we cannot speak. This particular verse in the old testament tells “You keep track of all my sorrows, You have collected all my tears in your bottle, You have recorded each one in your book.” The most supporting bible verse as to why God is much closer to those who are broken-hearted.

How can we relate our puerile tears to the most precious tears that our Lord has shed for us?

What is something so special about tears that we don’t appreciate?

You see, our eyes are the doorway to our hearts. Each matter that surpasses our sights brings a picture of emotion and enthusiasm. We often used to?break down?and toss our dispositions on an infinite pile of circumstances. Some people would find it alleviating to declare their sentiments on others whom they consider as their confidants. On the other side of the room, some would rather take a sip of coffee or two and sing out their hearts along to appealing symphonies.

Tears?are another form of expressing something that cannot be expressed in words. Perhaps, we can fake something out on what we feel deep inside, and deny our drawbacks at the rear of agonizing audacity. But the mere look in our eyes conveys something that is hidden and deluded.

God decided to make humans the highest form of life in the universe, which is why our growth takes a lot of time and patience. Unlike the Powerpuff Girls who are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice, humans are more likely to be the exact combination of coffee grounds and sugar. (Although dark?chocolates?would be a lot better). We are bitter and we are sweet in some ways. It’s just exceptionally amazing how God formed people with the best of both worlds.

As a remark, I disagree with wiping tears away. When nobody else was there, only tears came along, calm and perpetually peace resonating. It signifies the steadiness of God, weeping with you ascertaining compassion with your sorrows and sympathy.?Letting your tears?come across your delicately timid cheeks will surely bring the world in front of you in its lighter weight.

For the last time, here are the wishes that aim you to make it conceivable. Here are the statements that say it’s totally okay not to be okay.

I wish everyone has somebody to talk to. I wish everyone could put those excruciating pain into words. I wish everyone has someone to tell them that crying out loud is definitely alright because God has even shown his grief by weeping. As the immediate representation of the Lord, He doesn’t want to destroy you by getting hurt, but you are feeling hurt because you needed it. Sometimes, it’s a blessing in disguise. Periodically, it’s a fire that purifies the unrefined treasure and lets you separate it from the impurities to make you a hundred percent pure gold version of yourself. So bear it carefully that?pain?is the most exciting part of your gleam.

At the end of all these undying twirls of being human, no one has your back but?yourself. Nobody is obligated to wipe your tears when you feel like crying. You cannot rely upon those people you have comforted to do the same as you did. Probably, the most pertinent reason why your tears are inevitable.

Author - Rose Ann M.


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