Don't wait until its too late!
Despite low off-peak container volumes this month, terminal operators in Los Angeles-Long Beach report sporadic issues with intermodal rail service, including late delivery and departure of trains, power (locomotive) shortages, and insufficient rail cars to haul eastbound containers.
That’s concerning terminal operators, considering Asia imports are up only 1.4% in the first half and imports from China are down 5%, according to PIERS, a sister company with HIS Markit. Terminal operators worry that when peak-season volumes begin to build in August, container dwell times at on-dock rail yards will surge, and then rapidly spin out of control as they did last year.
As we move closer to peak season, this brings up the question of “what’s the plan”. You can check out my article from May 22nd .
Work with your forwarder and truckers to put contingency solutions in place and diversify your modes of transportation. Our goal is to help companies eliminate or at least mitigate port detention charges and keep your supply chain running on-time. Don’t wait until its too late to put diversion and trans-loading plans into place.
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