Don't Wait!
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Out of all the people who have dreams of becoming an actor, how many do you think actually go to Hollywood and pursue it? The answer is… not very many.
It’s hard to take a leap of faith, especially if there’s a more comfortable route in your normal routine. It’s tempting to put it off and wait for a better time. But the truth is that there will be no better time. The best time to make your dream a reality is right now.
Don’t believe me? I went in-depth about this in the latest TLYNT blog and tackled some of the most common reasons people delay their dreams. Here’s the first one…
“But I’m too old to start an acting career now.
There is no age at which it’s too late to break into the acting industry. Sure, as you get older you will face different challenges, but some things will be easier as well.
For example, it might seem like you need to be 20-something to start an acting career. The only problem for the 20-somethings is that they all think that, so they face a lot of competition.
Meanwhile, the older you get, the less competition you will face as you try to enter the industry. In that way, it can be easier—if you have the acting chops to compete.”
I know there are a lot of talented people out there with big dreams but who aren’t sure if they have what it takes. I say there’s only one way to find out. You can read the rest of this week’s blog here: “Don’t Make Your Dreams Wait”