Don’t Wait for Happiness…
Happiness is an unusual subject to discuss and a difficult commodity to define. We could start by describing it as a binary function in the sense that either you’ve got it or you haven’t but for most people happiness is a fleeting, transitory experience that’s always connected to specific circumstances. For the majority, it’s something we plan to find when our lives finally match our hopes. Do you have a point in the future where you’re planning to start enjoying your life? A time when you allow happiness to take the place of your everyday cares and worries?
I know. It’s how most of us have been conditioned to think. But it’s a perspective that wastes an enormous amount for potential in terms of enhancing the quality of our lives. The reality I’d like to share with you is the simple fact that the only moment in the vast expanse of eternity where you can touch the healing wellspring of happiness is in this present moment. It isn’t in the past and it cannot be extracted from the future. It can only be touched and appreciated in the absolute reality of now. Postponing happiness or spending our lives in the daily habit of stress, anxiety and worry is a tragic waste of our energy. Especially when you consider the benefits of allowing a deep sense of peace, joy, happiness and elation to take root in our hearts. For most of us, it’s simply a question of choosing how we want to feel. A moment of mindfulness, a gentle shift in perspective, a deeper breath and a smile, a simple invitation to enjoy the sensation of being alive. It can feel like waking up from a dream. You feel more intensely alive, awake, empowered and free from the bonds of stress and anxiety. Your health will benefit. In fact, every aspect of your life will be enhanced. Simply by pausing and bringing your focus to the present moment where the reality of happiness is waiting to be experienced.