Don’t Wait for The Disaster to Make Your Plan
I looked up the definition of the expression save for a rainy day. “To reserve something, especially money, for use in a time or period of unforeseen difficulty, trouble, or need.” Then I tried to figure out how many people actually do this. 56% of the people in this country are unable to cover an unexpected $1,000 bill with their savings. Now apply this same mentality to preparing for disasters. Only 18% have set aside an emergency fund to cover damages caused by natural disasters, despite the fact over 60% believe widespread climate change is increasing the danger posed by natural disasters.
I’m only guessing here, but my guess would be that most people don’t have a disaster plan, and they don’t really start thinking about making one until the last minute.??Hurricane season isn’t too far off, so this is a great time to think about how ready you and your family are if the big one hits. It’s not easy to motivate to do that on a sunny day. But if you wait until the storm hits it’s too late. And we see it happen year after year after year.
I recently interviewed a couple of guys for the?Tell Us How to Make It Better?podcast who are trying to help prepare you. Jason Perez and Wesley Long are first responders who got together and started It’s a great place for you to go to sign up for their three-hour training program. Get some neighbors together and make an event out of it.?
One of the things Wesley talked about was understanding the risks in your community and having a plan for them. “I've got six hazards that I have to deal with where I live in my community. Let's rank them. What's most important. What's most likely, now what are my answers and my solutions for each of those things. We literally take individuals through that in our class because we have, what's called an EAP emergency action plan. Every individual and family should have one. We walk them through and do it together as a class.”?
I encourage you to listen to the podcast and share the link with your friends. ( I heard to many sad stories making my documentary film?The Last House Standing. You don’t want to be the next one.