Don't wait for the Change...
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Don't wait for the Change...

When was the last time you were out of work, whether it be through choice or circumstance!?

Applying for new roles, sending your CV out here, there and everywhere and then waiting for the phone to ring, waiting and waiting for the phone to ring. And then there are the recruiters; the supposed answer to all your unemployment prayers. But who actually end up trying to shoehorn you into roles that aren’t right, or even worse promising you the earth and then never calling back.

This scenario is constantly depicted in LinkedIn posts. It’s a continuous barrage of recruiter bashing and poor service reviews. The problem is, it’s not fictitious. It is rife throughout the recruitment industry and this is where we must make the change!

I recently had a good friend who, through no fault of his own, found himself on the hunt for a new role. His experience with agencies was so shocking it left me embarrassed to say I was part of the industry, it was just and an endless stream of rudeness, unfulfilled promises and a general feeling of disregard. When are we going to wake up and take some accountability? We are dealing with people’s lives and their livelihood!? 

This is just one example and it’s a sweeping generalisation to say that the whole industry operates with the same lack of integrity and accountability. However, these anecdotes are becoming the norm within our industry, tarnishing us all with this same brush. It is the responsibility of the business leaders to ensure we are encouraging the correct behaviours within our teams. We can’t help everyone, of course, we can’t. But we (ourselves and our consultants) can manage expectations and keep to our word and the promises we are making. If you say you will call, then call - simple!

We also need to stop targeting our guys on inconsequential KPI’s and focus more on outcomes and results, as well as incentivising our people around quality and repeat business. Many industries are now adopting a far more transparent approach to feedback. Why doesn’t the recruitment industry drag its self into the 21st century and embrace such a similar culture? Why? In my opinion, because we are scared to hear the negative things people say about us. However, if we aren’t prepared to put ourselves out there and open our doors to the reviews and criticisms, then we will never truly change.

We need to recognise that as an industry we are in a position that has a significant impact on people’s lives - let’s ensure our consultants appreciate that significance and that the impact is a positive one. It is our responsibility to eradicate some of the negativity that plagues our world, by polishing up our act and implementing an element of quality control in the service we provide.

Let’s be bold and take the plunge, in the long run, it will be worth it… Don’t wait for the change, be the change.


