Don't Be a Victim of an ATM Skimming Attack
There have been numerous cases of theft at ATM machines in the past few months. Police say thieves are installing a “skimmer.” This is a small device that fits over the slot where cards are inserted into ATM machines. When a customer inserts a card, information can be read from the card and a small video captures them as they enter their PIN numbers.
Once these thieves have your information, they can sell it on the black market. In some instances, they have the ability to make another credit card with your information on it and can go to other ATM machines and take money from your bank account.
The skimmer device is an overlay that is really hard to see. They are the same color and blend in like everything else. It is said that often the device is installed on a Sunday morning and moved on Sunday evenings, so the bank personnel never notice them.
Skimming devices can be found at gas pumps, ATMs and even Redbox, and have been reported in many areas of the United States including Illinois, Florida, Oregon and even Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. In each case, thousands of dollars have been reported stolen.
Most European banks now issue chip-and-PIN cards or EMV (Europay, Mastercard and Visa). This type of card includes a small computer chip where the data is stored, rather than in plain text on the magnetic strip. While this type of card is more secure, it has been slow to catch on in the United States. Because not all ATMs are in line with this chip card, many European banks also include the magnetic stip. Of course, the weakness here is that thieves can still use skimmers to retrieve information. In this case, they don’t need to try to replicate the chip cards to use in Europe, they can simply send the data to co-conspirators in the United States who can fabricate new cards to withdraw cash out of ATMs here, where there is no EMV standard.
One way to defeat these skimmers is to cover the PIN pad with your hand when entering your PIN. This way, even if the thief is able to skim your card, there is less of a chance they will be able to get your PIN. The best action I can suggest is to always check your credit and watch your bills, so you can identify any fraudulent activity as soon as possible.