Don't Use Trading Techniques as Crutches

Don't Use Trading Techniques as Crutches

 Lately, I’ve been noticing that traders have a tendency to “layer” strategies.

Layering is when you take a strategy you want to improve, and you start adding different types of techniques on top of each other to improve your initial trading strategy.

In certain situations, this can work really well, but the problem arises when this type of layering becomes excessive.

Way too often traders use these techniques as crutches to compensate for a weak foundation, instead of using them to boost what should already be good. In today’s video you will discover:

  • The #1 rule to successful layering and continuous growth,
  • What is healthy layering and what is dangerous layering,
  • Vertical layering versus horizontal layering.

Remember, leave the crutches behind and start strong.

Go watch the video now!

Happy Trading,



This article was originally published on the Better Trader Academy blog.



