Don't Use ChatGPT WITHOUT Reading This FIRST!

Don't Use ChatGPT WITHOUT Reading This FIRST!

Just for fun, I asked ChatGPT to write the intro to this email in my voice and here’s what it came up with…

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Not bad… not bad at all. The “cleverer than a clowder of quantum cats” has me rolling :)

And this only took me about 2 minutes and a few tweaks to the prompt.?

The truth is that ChatGPT and other AI tools are about to completely flip how we do things… and I’m honestly thrilled (but kinda nervous too) about what’s coming.?

Because when you nail your message and understand timeless marketing strategies…

You can use ChatGPT and tools like it to your advantage -- especially when your competitors have their heads in the sand or are just randomly feeding prompts into AI.?

Which is why in this new video...

I share the 4 timeless marketing strategies you need to know to make ChatGPT your best friend… and how I’m using it to wow my Live Your Message Lab students.?



P.S. With how fast everything is changing… just starting or taking any type of action in your business can seem daunting.?

And over my nearly 12 years in the online world, I’ve seen far too many entrepreneurs with great ideas stall out.?

Which is why I created my brand-new free Workshop >> Unlock the Science of Consistent Action: The Overwhelm-Free Way to Finally Start Building Your Business One Tiny Step at a Time

Because the key to success isn't talent, or motivation or even mindset...

It's taking consistent action.?

When you attend this Workshop, you’ll also get my Companion Guide with 5 proven ways to hack your brain to beat resistance and smash your goals (backed by science!).?

See ya there!


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