Don't underestimate yourself or anyone else

Don't underestimate yourself or anyone else

Who is Adrian Visnjik??

As a 42-year-old project design leader, I specialize in consulting, design, and drafting of curtain wall, skylight, and glazing systems for commercial and institutional buildings. Born and raised in Rijeka, Croatia, I received my education here, got married, and continue to live and work in this beautiful city.

Where did you come from in facade engineering, how did your professional story go??

My journey in fa?ade engineering started 9 years ago, when I joined a local company in Rijeka. Over the course of 7 years, I was involved in projects worldwide, from Australia and the Middle East to North America, Africa, and Europe. Seeking more professional satisfaction, I switched companies, but it wasn't until I joined APS last year that I found a work environment that met all my expectations.

How do you see your professional path from this instance, is there anything you would like to change??

I am satisfied with where I am now.?

How and when did your APS story begin and what do you appreciate most about APS??

I have joined the APS team last September. I appreciate the friendly and communicative atmosphere and the expertise of my colleagues.

How to introduce Fa?ade Engineering to someone who is listening about, for the first time??

In my opinion, fa?ade engineering is not rocket science. Instead, it's about creating safe, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasing structures that can become landmarks for generations to come.

What’s the most important professional lesson you’ve learned that can be valuable for the life in general?

The most important lesson I've learned in my professional journey is to never underestimate yourself or others.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of??

I'm proud to have reached the level where I can complete a project from start to finish.

Life motto??

I live by the motto "do to others what you would like them to do to you."

If you could pick up a new skill instantly, what would it be??

If I could pick up a new skill instantly, it would be to become bilingual in Croatian and English.

Advice to younger self?

As for advice to my younger self, I would tell myself to find my wife 10 years earlier and quit my job at the first fa?ade company after 4 years.



