Don't try to replace God
SportsFaith Play of the day from the Ultimate Playbook!
Jeremiah 16:20 Do people make their own gods? Yes, but they are not gods!”
What are your gods? I know, you may say that there is only 1 true God and that is correct, but what else have you made your god? If we're not careful, we can end up worshiping self made gods. These are things that we devote our time, energy and focus on so much that it becomes an obsession that can lead to destruction. We end up justifying our devotion because we 'Only need a little more...' or 'We can quit any time...'. Our 'gods' can be money, status, alcohol, drugs, fame, cellphones, social media, vanity, work, lust... and the list goes on. Who suffers are those around us and often our relationship with God. Get help from God and other believers to keep focused and balanced. There's only one God. Don't replace Him with other gods and have a blessed day!