Don't try doing your goals, do it

Don't try doing your goals, do it

Do something which you have never done and you would be surprised at how it can help you achieve your goals!

NLP has been something like this to me and especially when I entered the community and learn from the world's best mentors Dr. John Grinder, Michael Carroll & Carmen Bostic St. Clair, I shine with surprises and achieved many personal and professional goals with deeper transformation within and alignment!?

In this newsletter let me introduce you to how can NLP change my life 360 degrees, What is NLP, Myths about the subject, How can it help in achieving my goals, why are we not achieving our goals, How a process is done, and what to expect in NLP Processes (Calibration).?

?Well, just a little from my side on my achievements:?

  • I got to know that Visual strategies like writing it in clear different boxes help my brain to focus?
  • I decoded that warm temperature in my body changes my state?
  • I experienced that auditory digital strategy?(positive self-talk) in a specific tonality helps me to concentrate?
  • I experienced that different smells every day helps me to get in a State of Action and relaxation both?
  • I could swim with easy breathing (I was hydrophobic)?
  • I could help myself to heal my body from acute back pain and slipped disc, Gastro challenges, Heel pain, and migraines with vertigo and tremors. I am completely great now?
  • I could practice 10 km runs too?
  • I could go to the gym 5 days a week and lift heavy weights which I wasn't able to do so?
  • I could train many coaches to learn content-free coaching and help clients?
  • I could get many awards and recognition in the coaching and training industry
  • I could find my own self as a newer version who is happier, more focused and wants to drive the purpose all the time?
  • I could achieve a very good relationship with my spouse, mother-in-law, and family members?

The list is really big in my case and I would like to tell you I have been practicing NLP for nearly a decade and New Code NLP since 2018, and my life is 360 degrees!?

And my purpose is to transform the coaches so that they can transform others too! And I am really passionate about taking the coaching industry to the next level!?

What is NLP

It's a toolkit having concepts and tools, which need to be experienced at a deeper level and not talked about! It started way back in 1972, without much information even by the modelers that it will become such a famous subject. Neuro-Linguistic Programming was known as meta. Dr. John Grinder, Richard Bandler, and Frank Pucelik modeled the best behaviors of Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls & Milton Erickson.?

It is just like any sport, you don't talk about sport, you practice and learn all the angles of sport to be the master in the field. While you learn all the angles in NLP, the basic core skills and concepts, you can identify how smoothly you will start changing yourself, or rather change just starts happening! Yes, the condition of this smoothness is the practitioner you are modeling!?

If you find trainers telling you let's discuss NLP, You are not even touching 10 percent of the subject! There is no need to talk about it, the intention of the subject is to model the modeler and keep doing processes. It is exactly like you have a football coach, and you don't learn football by talking, you only learn by doing it!?

Our job in football is to learn to be able to calibrate the moves of the defender and calibrate how am I making the move!?


NLP is motivation - No, It's not only motivation and positive thinking. The intention of the processes is to create a shift at a deeper level that you feel resourceful states (motivation is an interpretation and an example, you might feel calm, relaxed, happy, etc.)?which can help you achieve your goal.?

Can I read NLP first and then come to learn?- No from my side. NLP origin is modeling. Like a kid doesn't understand the meaning of language and he just cut-copy-paste the process of doing a micro muscle system, making some muscle tension and just going ahead with trial and error, your job is also like that. Just pick the best model and start modeling, and you will experience it.?

How can it help me to achieve my goal??

Goals are specific and if you are not able to achieve any specific things, means you are not accessing resourceful states or patterns.?

What is resourceful - Any state of mind which creates resources/states inside you which just help you to achieve your goal, is a resourceful state. Like when I go to the gym in the morning, I need not think, about whether to go or not, I just go and my state is automated. Our mind and body (which is one, and not two), run on auto-pilot?most of the time.?

Why are we not achieving what we want to?

So, if in case you are not achieving anything, you are unconsciously accessing the patterns which are unresourceful. Suppose you have been getting up every morning and have been saying to yourself, yes, I will do it tomorrow, there is a pattern you are following - moving away from the goal. Supposing you are thinking about a goal - and saying yes, I want to do it, but I don't have time - You are running a pattern of moving away and procrastination.?

What's the job of an NLP Practitioner

Now, the job of the practitioner (A person who has done a full course of NLP with at least 100 hours of experience and practice) is to be able to calibrate with you, more on how you are accessing the states of not achieving your goal, what's happening at the mind-body level and continuously calibrate. The job is not to get inside your content and problem. The job is to identify patterns and break them.??

Calibration Example:

In simple words, if a football coach can identify the pressure of the left leg, and install a new way of kicking with?the same leg, he is calibrating and shifting the movement of the body to achieve an outcome.?

Being able to Calibrate yourself, (detect your state) how your body?feels when you think about your goal, and what happens to you is a very deep study and never-ending because every day is different, isn't it??

We operate from the server 99 % of the time, we are operating unconsciously most of the time, which we don't know at all. Like I was not aware that my breathing was shallow, my shoulders were down, my face had no smile before. These were some of my patterns for X category of goal, and I wasn't able to achieve it, and I could achieve it because I practiced many tools and techniques.?

For you to change deeper, processes need to be run and change?will be the Outcome!?

How much time will it take to change my patterns for achieving my goals- I don't know, maybe just 1 hour or maybe 2 months depending upon what we are working on and how deep different portions of experiences to be changed,?what different patterns are stuck with one another, what gets triggered in the neurological system and then how successfully the installation is done by the practitioner. No one knows exactly how much, not even Dr. John Grinder, it depends on many?situations and one thing is clear, if the coach and coachee are ready to take responsibility, Change is inevitable!?

Another point is to focus on experiencing the length and breadth of the tool and go deeper with practice. And I CAN guarantee that it will take you a very long-lasting change. Instead of taking this just as I have come here to change only X, Take NLP as a lifestyle and know yourself deeper and change is a transformational process.?

Technically - What will NLP Do?

A practitioner identifies your stuck patterns and does a process that would create a change at the neurological level. This may require multiple processes as I mentioned above to have a long-lasting change and not just change on the surface.?

Like the way your nervous system learn some things fast and some things slow, we use the same process to re-learn new behaviors and patterns.?

Remember for you to be the best footballer, you need to model from the best coach and experience tools and practice it until you achieve your goals! And achieving will become your pattern, a never-ending achiever!?

Experience NLP, Don't try to learn it first, experience your goals doing it, don't try to do it!??

Here is a link to inquire about our Classic Code and New Code NLP courses -

Read more about the courses -

Classic Code starts on - 14th April 2023 (Online Batch)

New Code NLP Practitioner starts on - 28-30 APR & 4-5 MAY 2023 (Online Batch Only)

Watch More content around NLP on my Youtube -

See you in the next article!

Until then Keep Practicing and keep achieving!

Ridhima Dua


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