?????Why would I go through things alone? Why are my feelings pouring out in tears? Why does nobody care? My feelings feel like they are fainting. Why are hopes so far away from my Abyss? Y’all are saying it will be better one day but when because It looks like I am about to burst the balloon. They are saying I shouldn’t be saying some things but they are facts. I try to face reality. People say I am saying things to myself. Why do they come to my mind? Why can’t I help the fact that things are not going straight? Why does it feel like I am the only one affected? Why does it feel like everyone else is not in the dark room I am in? so dark I can’t? see anything, so dark I see nobody to help out of the room, wondering why I am asking for help because I have been here all along with no resentment. With nobody to rescue me, I wonder how I can peel off my shells. Sometimes it is better to keep quiet and watch them say whatever, sometimes it is not. Why are you banging the words on your head, you can bleed. Don’t hurt yourself, with this rhetoric’s word; whistle it down, slowly and gently. Try not to tell anyone.
????????????????People don’t want to hear your point, they just want to make fun of you. Humans don’t want to know what exactly makes the sun shine; so far the benefit is to their liking. Nobody except you can know what is in your mind. You only know your thoughts and you know not what other people’s mind is. Why do you feel offended when your goods are not being reciprocated? When you know if you put a seed into the ground, it will grow, then why do you feel so delighted, when you know that is how it was meant to be. What is meant to be shouldn’t be of shock to you anymore. You shouldn’t expect your friend to have good intentions towards you. You should not be surprised if your best friend did things only your enemies would do, friends are meant to be enemies. They say, the worst the pain that will ever be inflicted on you would be by your loved ones. I believe they tell you to beware of strangers; they can be dangerous. I can see you are trying to hunt what is hunting you but you are going in the wrong direction. A stranger knows nothing about you; a friend knows almost everything about you and then telling you they’re dangerous is leaving the door to your life open for direct attack. Now tell me who Is more dangerous? Wow how ironic this is. You have a friend, a perfect one who goes with you through and through, in times of pain and tears, cheers you up when you are about to give up saying “no time to be thinking of giving up”, a friend that motivates you. That friend is a golden egg out of the egg you will ever find. Now this is when the abnormality of life comes in, that egg makes use of it wisely, never let it go.
?????????????????Humans have forgotten something that never changes which is “anything can happen”, this more or less is not in any circumstances or relationship, leaving not who you are, how close or how far you’ve become. These words aren't just there for no one to listen to . If you decide to ignore, you would come back to it in tears or pain, in regrets if not fears. Never put that away from your mind at all cost. Are you poor, anything can happen, are you rich, anything can happen, about to die, anything can happen, at the bridge of giving up; don’t give up, anything can happen. “Anything”, I said, happens for the bad and also for the good. About to do a thing, anything it can be, don’t ever pray for the worst you prepare for it. These are not just words to be read but to be done, not just words to motivate but also to inspire, not just to inform but to educate. Words calling you, to know why exactly it is what it is. In thought and in the mind I share unto thee “Katola’s Words”.