Don't Think Do

Don't Think Do

Triple Espresso:

It’s often easier to act your way into a new way of thinking and feeling than it is to think your way into a new way of feeling and acting.

Let’s face it, thinking is often the biggest problem you have.

Your head will mess you up every single time.

Your neocortex, like everything in life, is both a blessing and a curse.

Our ancestors didn’t think, they just acted!

I doubt very seriously if our ancient ancestors EVER got caught in the paralysis of analysis.

Your “more-intelligent” ass will anal-lyze something to death while life passes you by! (pun intended)

You suffer from what the Samurai Warrior called “too much mind.”

You see, back when life was more primitive you had to make decisions in a split second. Not acting quickly could cause you to end up as dinner for a tiger or lion.

We don’t often have those types of challenges anymore; and this too is both a blessing and a curse.

One of the researched and proven facts of reaching the Flow state is to be in a “high consequence situation.”

While high consequence does NOT have to mean you’ll literally risk your life, it means that the consequences of your actions have high stakes.

All great leaders will come to a point in their life and career when they must make decisions in a moment of crises.

Whether that decision be of financial or other implications it involves RISK.

And the ability to act quickly steals not only potential, it steals the experience of living itself.

Yes, the decision you make may make things go South. 

But hesitation and avoidance of risk while you sit and what-if-this and what-if-that will GUARANTEE that things go South.

In today’s world speed is king; and he who hesitates loses.

I can screw something up royally and fix it two to three times faster…

than you can anal-yze something to “perfection” while the opportunity and Life itself passes you by.


The greatest risk is no risk at all. Join us on The Redemption Experience? on March 13th-14th, 2021.

Details here:

#ThursdayThoughts #thursdaymotivation #thursdaymorning #leadership #business #futureleadership #redemption #redemptiveleadership #jamesarthurray #jamesray 


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