Don't Start With Your Why
Danette Layne
Wellbeing Advocate. Strategic Communicator. Optimizer of Systems. I love to write, hike & make beautiful, useful things and facilitate engaging experiences for others.
I know - everyone is saying “start with your why” - but here’s what I found:
When heart-centered, mission-driven women are called to make a difference they can go through iterations of WHAT it is and WHY she's doing it.
If you're focused on your "why" - you take action (massive or imperfect).
You see others who appear “successful” and tweak your plans.
And you do these actions with good intentions - to make money. To pay for your learning investments, pay for your marketing, and if you're still trying to get your business to profit - possibly you're hoping these actions will get you there so you can finally prove to a partner that you are legit.
Or you give and give and give your time and services and talents and resist doing the “business application” things like marketing and sales. burn out.
If you want less burn out and less resistance...consider finding your WHO.
Who are you taking a stand for?
What do they need?
How can you help them?
What's your motive - why do you want to help them?
When you know WHO you’re taking a stand for you can
- Get to the service why - the feeling like you’re here to make a difference for someone (or a group of people) with a problem that you can solve
- Learn the skills you’ve been resisting and feel good about using them to grow a business or a movement that makes a difference
- Move on to your own selfish why - the reasons and the things that this will do for you and your family; how you’ll use the profit to further both your purpose but your personal projects (put a kid or two through college, take a vacation, pay off debt, care for a family member, etc.).
You can start with WHY but I find it gets really messy.
In the mess the message gets lost and the doubts creep in.
Start with WHO.
I'm curious.
Who do you take a stand for?
Tell us who you take a stand for (or message me).
Who are they?
What is their need that you want to help them with?