Face Your Fear: Ask for What You Want
Designed Learning
Creating workplaces and communities that work for the common good of all.
Asking for what we want is scary.
Whether working with internal clients to agree on how we will partner or trying to gain consensus on moving forward with a team project, it's not uncommon to be spooked by the idea of asking for support. We are frightened by the prospect of someone saying no or, worse yet, concerned they may think we are a real ghoul for asking in the first place.
Collaboration should never trick people into doing it all one way. Instead, it should be the goal to treat everyone's wants respectfully. And, if you never ask, well, you're sure to get ghosted.
Here are some tips to ask for what you want to get scary good results:
While the chilling prospect of asking for what we want might send shivers down our spine, doing it well can conjure powerful collaborations and summon enchanting results. Unlock the secrets to overcoming fears and more influence at work at www.designedlearning.com