Smoldering Passion
At one time, this was an adage to live by: follow your passion. At present, they say it’s “Awful”, “Crappy”, “Dump” advice - you name (search) it. I can say with certitude before much long, you’ll be hearing everywhere: JUST stifle your passion.
Some argue that it’s yet another natural evolution and a great step toward rationalism. But what is really behind this amiable facade is that you have to forgo your hope on account of entirely fulfillment of theirs. To put it another way, you have to make your passion smolder then follow the passion of oligarchs.
You might reprimand me for looking on matters with jaundiced eye. But if you look back, you will grant that things more bizarre have already befallen us. If you love and support your own race, you’re inimical to society while you love and support your country, you’ll be called hero. Worse still, To abide by your religious belief and eschew fraternizing with epicenes (LGBTs) is tantamount to apostasy. So it’s little wonder that there will be nothing more gruesome than to have your own dream or to follow your passion.
Certainly there’s no gainsaying “follow your passion” is no longer a good adage to live by. Permit me to put it this way: you ought to gear yourself up to follow your passion, otherwise you’ll have to make your passion smolder to keep the wolf from the door. By gearing yourself up I mean to invest yourself with some character traits:
Be mentally tough:
“As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good; I was actually being re-directed to something better. You must convince your heart that whatever God has decreed is most appropriate and most beneficial for you.”Being a shrewd observer and cogitating on things happened, you will take this sagacious saying of al-Ghazali as gospel.
Be frugal:
“It i s not wealth one asks for, but just enough to preserve one's dignity, to work unhampered, to be generous, frank, and independent.” -W. Somerset MaughamBe aware that people are enslaved by luxury more than destitution. And no one is capable of keeping up with the Joneses and following his passion at the same time. Frugality brings about carefree days and in such days you could find your true vocation and pursue your goals.
Be unassuming:
“Few are those who see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts”-Albert EinsteinLook around and see who receive admiration most: thespians, footballers, rappers and so no. But how many people have heard of John Bardeen and Jack Kilby? Which one did people pay more head: AeroMobil or the ass of that wench? What made more news: “Intel Acquisition of Altera” or that celebrity divorce? So to inspire ordinary folk, your best bet is flippancy and levity rather than products and services. Above all, opprobrium and derision must foster your fortitude in the same way that opposite winds make the ship’s anchor seem heavier by lowering it deeper.
Be on steroids:
Best steroids for brains are great sayings and HGH of the soul is poetry. Therefor you’ve got to read in spades and it’s good to be proficient in two languages other than your mother tongue and the language of business (English). To be proficient is to surpass their natives. Learning foreign languages without reading their literatures is as prosaic as going out with a lot of lasses without having intercourse.
I would like to wrap up this little interlude with my garbled translation of a Persian verse:“Me, the yoke of being employee? Perish the thought! I would never trade my freewheeling lifestyle for both worlds.”