Don't slow a man who is hunting for success

Don't slow a man who is hunting for success

Absa ever since I had 14 days for FICA, I have to pay my school account. But since I notice customer service in Absa day to day go deep down. I notice bad experience ever in Absa as online customer service and branch I took this time to write maybe there are other people who experience the same problem on another side. But this article it will never correct the code of conduct but customer value if we banking with any organization it doesn't mean we get service for free thus why we do get account fees so we pay and when we pay we deserve service.

Breakdown of disturbance in Absa

Most of the service consultant have no idea why they placed in the organization from face-2-face service even online customers service. Since I visited the branch 20 days ago I received the automated text from Absa I visited the branch and have to rate the service I received from the branch but 15 days after I received the same message which took me to the branch that I need to visit the branch again.

When I got to the branch I spent another 2 hrs waiting in the Q just my aim was to speak with the same person who helps me before after I represent my Document she said she said the documents as online they need to fix the problem. I decided to walk out but I sat down make research how do u help clients to come back to your Organization.

No bank in South Africa which is perfect but until now my problem never been fixed as I can't understand what process as you guys u do use to FICA the clients I had about 20 days from ABSA to FICA my documents and still not even fixed so it maybe will take a year to FICA my documents.

I do wonder if ABSA employees they do comply with a code of conduct but I repost this they must get used to it (Don't ever help people on underestimating them)

The Code of Banking Practice (“the Code”) is a volu ntary code that sets out

the minimum standards for service and conduct you c an expect from your

bank with regard to the services and products it of fers, and how we would

like to relate to you. The Code only applies to pe rsonal and small business


In the text of the Code, "you" means the customer a nd "we", "our" and “us”

refer to your bank. There is a section at the end

of the Code which contains

definitions of useful banking terms. These appear



in the text of the



The Code will be a guide for you when you transact with your bank and it

will help you better understand your rights and res ponsibilities as well as

your bank’s responsibilities in serving you. We ar

e committed to meeting

the standards set out in this Code. Our relationsh

ip with you will be guided

by four key principles, namely

fairness, transparency, accountability

and reliability


In the Code we refer to issues that may be subject

to specific legislation

andregulation which may change from time to time an

d will take preference

over the Code.

We accept the jurisdiction of the Ombudsman for Ban king Services to

mediate, to make binding determinations based on th

is Code and on the law

where appropriate, and to make recommendations in o ther circumstances

including those based on equity. A determination m

ade by the Ombudsman

for Banking Services may be made an order of the co

urt. If we refuse to

abide by a recommendation of the Ombudsman for Bank

ing Services, the

Ombudsman may publish the recommendation and the re levant bank’


refusal to comply.

Copies of the Code are available from us and from T

he Banking Association

South Africa. You can also view the Code on The Ba nking Association’s

website at

or on yourbank ’s

website. The contact

details of the relevant Ombudsman services appear o n The Banking

Association's website and in section 10 of the Code




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