Don't be slave
“If you cannot find peace within yourself, you will never find it anywhere else.” — Marvin Gaye.
Human psyche is designed to assume that emotions like anger or misery happen to them, but in reality, we create these emotions ourselves. Whether it’s love, hate, anger, misery, or joy, it all originates from within us. So, its very basic that what happens within us should be under our control or someone else’s.?
Obviously, it should be under our control. The world will never completely conform to our desires because it involves many stakeholders and has many factors. However, what happens within us must be our own doing and if it isn’t, this is the worst form of slavery.
How could we, being the most evolved species in the cosmos allow someone else to decide our internal state that whether we are happy or the worst form of slavery? This is the liberation we humans need. It must work the way we want it to and If it is not functioning the way we want, how can we expect other things to align with our desires?
Individual problems originate from within. We don’t need to solve these self-created problems; we need to dissolve them. If there’s an external problem, that can be addressed. But internal problems don’t require solutions they require us to stop creating them. Seeking solutions for self-created illusions only creates more illusions. Instead, simply turn off these problems.
Being truthful to yourself is essential. if you're also truthful to everybody around you you will get other kinds of benefits but the least we can do is to be 100% honest with ourselves and acknowledge your limitations and work on them. accept the things as they are...have "??????? ???"...if something is not happening it will never gonna we feel inside must not be driven by external factors. Joy and misery, come from within and we may not be that powerful to control the whole world and make it act in our accordance but we are not that weak either that we can't control our own the BIG question is whether our joy, peace, love, and ecstasy are self-initiated or dependent on external triggers?