Don't Skip The Chapter
When I was 17, I received a significant piece of advice:
"Read all the chapters of the book."
The book is metaphorical.
I was eager to move forward, but more eager to get a new title.
When focusing on your career, you may be distracted by ‘bigger’ titles: Team Lead, Coordinator, Manager, Senior Partner, Director, Chief Officer, etc. But these have nothing to do with your worth or value. They are just titles.
If you want to focus on growth, focus on actual areas of responsibility and areas of subject matter, and read all the chapters of that book.
Don’t skip the chapters, don’t skip the mundane, don’t skip jobs which you believe are ‘beneath you.’
All these chapters have learnings. Read them all.
If you want to be a great leader, you must be able to relate to the team. To relate, you must have walked their path, in their shoes. You must have worn the t-shirt.
If you really care about your growth and your skills, you’ll want to read all the chapters.
The title comes after you’ve read the books.
And when that happens, you then have the responsibility to show others the way.
It doesn’t mean you have a responsibility to command, but rather the responsibility to help others get to where they want to go.
Get reading.