Don't Be Shy, Ask Why: How to Get Interview Feedback
Just Digital People
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So you just CRUSHED the interview - you know it, they know it.
...Why then did you get that dreaded "Thanks, but no thanks" email / phone call?
Rather than resigning yourself to the rejection hole of sadness, use this as an opportunity to gain some valuable insight that will help you slay your next interviews.
By politely asking the interviewer for feedback, you can understand where you may have fallen short and focus your efforts to improve.
Here's how to go about it:
Give It Some Time
As tempting as it is to demand answers right after getting that regrettable email, hang tight. You'll likely get more thoughtful feedback if you allow a week or two for everything to process and settle down over there. Use that time to re-watch the hot prime minister dance scene from Billy Elliot and regroup.
Choose Your Target Wisely
Clearly identify who seemed to be the lead interviewer - probably the person who kicked things off and did the heavy questioning. That's your best bet for scoring some quality feedback. Don't spam the entire hiring team unless you want to become an office legend (but not in a good way).
Lay It On Softly
There's no need to grovel here, but do ask politely while acknowledging their time. Something like:
"Hi (name), I really appreciated the opportunity to interview for the XYZ role the other week. Although I wasn't selected, I'd be grateful for any feedback you could provide to help me improve my interviewing skills moving forward. Just a few brief thoughts would be wonderful if you have the chance. Thank you again!"
See? Clean, direct, and a tiny sprinkle of desperation without going full send.
Keep It Breezy
Don't lob them a quiz's worth of hyper-specific questions to respond to. Keep it open-ended and easy to answer succinctly, like "Any areas you think I could improve?" or "What worked well/not so well?" You're aiming for a few thoughtful sentences here, not a novel.
Stay Classy
Keep in mind you may not get feedback at all, or it may be more curt than LL Cool J's haircut circa 1990. Whatever happens, take it in stride and be grateful for any insights offered. Don't take the bait for a combative back-and-forth - that won't help anyone.
Seeking out honest feedback can be tough in today's overly-polished world. But a little probing done right can reveal those golden nuggets of advice to help you crush it next time around. Who knows, you might even get that pity re-interview out of it! The job hunting path is long and paved with sporadic wins - might as well squeeze some wisdom out of the losses when you can.
Got something on your mind? Whether you're on the hunt for your next big career move or aiming to fill a crucial position, drop us a message!