Don't shoot the youngster
Paul Matthews
Learning & Development Expert. Strategist, Author & Speaker. Architect of the People Alchemy Learning Workflow Platform. Helping L&D Professionals Make a Difference.
When an idea is small and new, it is fragile and weak. Like any new-born, its future is uncertain. It may grow to be a colossus, or fade away before its first steps.
For an idea to achieve anything in its life, it needs to be protected and nurtured when young and vulnerable. Give ideas a chance to grow and gain strength before you allow yourself or others to challenge them.
When presented with a brand new idea, think 'what if?' rather than 'that won't work'.
Even better, think 'and...'; then build on the idea to see where it might lead.
Many great ideas are squashed before they have a chance to flourish, and yet success in our rapidly changing world relies on a continuous stream of new ideas.
Most of us have a default response when presented with a new idea:
Which is your usual response to a new idea?
Which would work best for you in your life?
Suggestion: do all three responses in turn in the order 1, 2, 3, and then go round again a few more times to give an idea a chance.
When you do this, the idea will morph and grow to be strong and worthwhile, or it will fail, leaving a gap for another idea.
First published on my Monday Blog