Dr. Akin' Akinpelu
A man to follow: Forbes Council Member, Keynote Speaker, Performance & Education Reform Coach, Author & Trainer
A?pioneer is someone who ventures into the unknown and unclaimed territories. Such people always open up new areas and prepare the way. These are the people who will not settle for less than the best and keep expecting things to get better. The unknown has stopped a lot of people from stepping out of their comfort zone. There are three categories of people in this content;
[i]. museum keepers: they are known for dusting memories of their past. They keep talking about the exploitation of the old good days while nothing is working out now.
[ii]. Settlers: they are comfortable with their comfort zone. They don’t take risks, they settle on giving up too soon based on available options.
[iii]. Pioneer: constantly pressing into NEW OPPORTUNITIES.
There are usually 2 options of notes for everyone. there is one that goes straight ahead and you can see what lies ahead, looking nice. It’s the Blessing Road. There is one that goes a different direction and you can't see what is ahead… And you say ”I am sure”?
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