If I die tomorrow,
Regrets I hope are few.
I woke up one day to see,
Did I settle, is this true?
The wishes I wanted you wouldn’t do,
The wishes I always wondered about.
Then one day I woke up,
And planned a brand new route.
I traveled to places unknown,
I stopped saying I wish to go.
Special trips for one or two,
This was due so long ago.
With very little cargo,
I travel to and from.
Memories to never forget,
New adventures here I come.
Then you came into my world,
You brought new meaning to living.
We shared the same dreams and wishes,
We both knew of life and giving.
Now I share these dreams with you,
Instead of wishing on a star.
With each other in this future life,
We continue to raise the bar.
It isn’t just the wondrous travel,
But that is exciting and fun.
Now we even have grandchildren,
Time spent with family, old and young.
Don’t settle for “just a life of wishes”,
Don’t settle for maybe or someday.
Find the one to share wishes together,
Travel together on that unknown highway.
Jcogdill 28 Feb 2020