Don’t Seek Help Outside, Find your Inner Durga.

Don’t Seek Help Outside, Find your Inner Durga.

Durga Devi Namostute!

Women, from all over the world from their early childhood are taught to worship Maa Parvati, the wife of Lord Shiva, the goddess of love and the protectress of women. It is because of the submissive nature of the goddess that every parent wishes when a daughter is born in a family. Indeed! Those unfortunate who fail to realize the blessing of having a daughter attempt to not make her see the world. However, we have been watching television & newspapers, reading literature and discovering every now and then, that the modesty of a woman has never ever gone untouched. The constant battle in her life, from her very beginning we mean to when she becomes a teenager, begins sitting with male students to working in a co-working setup and to even when she get married. No wonder, why movies such as ‘Mardaani’, ‘Chapaak’, ‘Mom’ do not fail to reach out to the audience finally winning their hearts out.

Well, just seeing a super powerful mother or a police officer does not solely solve the purpose of this entertainment anymore. Every woman, we mean everyone regardless of her professional profile or status must imbibe in her mind that for every evil, there has to be a powerful model who must ward it off, just like Maa Durga ‘the form of shakti’, ‘incarnation of Maa Parvati’, ‘power originated from Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh’, the one who owns the crown of the supreme power, that killed the demon named ‘ Mahishasur’, the shakti that resides in every girl as soon as she is born.

Let us repeat the story of ‘Mahishasur’-

Mahishasur, as we all read in books was a proud kind with the head of a buffalo and a devoted worshipper of Lord Brahma. With his sincere, years of ‘tapassya’ he gained the wish of ‘immortality’ from the god with a condition that no man or animal must kill him. In response to this wish, Lord Brahma told him that only a woman can kill him. Soon after the wish was granted, Mahishasur began sending demons to attack ‘Trilok’ the three worlds of earth, heaven and hell alongside invading the kingdom of Lord Indra. Despite all gods gathered to wage a war against Mahishasur, nobody could actually do any harm to him because of which the entire cosmos came into trouble. This situation when presented to Lord Vishnu, he decided to consensually create a female power that embodies the powers of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva. Shakti- the power that rules the universe then fought with Mahishasur for 15 days till he obtained the shape of a buffalo. She stabbed him with her trident achieving victory over evil and ever since she is worshipped throughout the world amongst humankind.

Importance of ‘Durga-Mahishasura’ story in 2020

Just like the Durga was born to kill the surrounding demons each time, she teaches every woman to find her inner Durga as time has again challenged inner powers. What exactly to learn from Maa Durga and how to implement it? Let’s discover underneath;

Evil is eternal but, fear is internal

Indeed! There is not a single day when a mediocre girl does not fear of the thought of moving outside these days. Whether she is wearing her favorite dress or the attire her parents have decided for her. There is not a single woman who can say, “I can go that vacant building in dark’. Malicious crimes that have taken lately across the nation in 2019 have literally let down the morale of mothers who were till date only afraid of their daughters. Evil is everywhere and has taken unthinkable transformations which have shocked the world in past a few years. But, what fear can take a toll on the growth of the society which is again only led by women in the digital India. Hence forth, women must comprehend their inner power and regenerate their mind to challenge it once again by imbibing the magnificent traits of Maa Durga as a ‘fearless woman’. Be it in any situation or place, not feeling the fear can help you combat the most challenging of crimes and you can still write a new history.

Other things may, Hope Must Never Die

You have been molested or not, even the news can horrify and stop you from doing things you have been doing. Isn’t so? Realize that even acid attack victims survive and move on. Hope cannot return what is lost but can ignite the spirit that lives inside everyone of us. Hope gives you a fresh opportunity to learn tricks for situations where fear takes a toll on the mind. Hope keeps you fighting for yourself and you lead till you die. Goddess Durga teaches you to come to the forefront of the evil that keeps haunting every day. You can only kill the evil when you will come out to fight with him instead of escaping. Visualize it from the eyes of Maa Durga and you will realize you still have the courage to combat any fearful situation and you can be just the way you are.

Acceptance is the new ‘strong’

No matter what color you have been born with, what locality you reside in, what salary you earn or you do not earn, what assets you own or you do not at all, embrace yourself instead of letting yourself down and creating yourself a victim of situations and people around you. Never think what happened with you was because you had something or it was your fate that bad things happened only to you. God is not responsible for the life you are leading. However, you can certainly change your karma by creating a new one. Accept what is and accept what you are, the way you are. Enough of reacting on to what the society has been constantly bombarding your mind with. Just accept your personality just like God has gifted you and work on your goals without any inferior complex. Acceptance goes a long way in combating with the inner devil that keeps making you stand at the corner.

Find the Durga within You

A ‘mother’ has received a paramount place in ‘Hindu Dharma’. However when this mother is underestimated for love as her weakness and fragility as her incapability to fight, that calls for ‘Maa Durga to arise’. Let the power of the Durga be re-born whether she is a school going child, a professional artist or house-maker.

A woman is an epitome of love and as gradually she embraces new roles, her inner trait of spreading love reaches to a divine level. Finding your inner Durga means stretching your inner limits and breaking off boundaries of fear and complexities. Like the real goddess, you can also emulate the nine forms of Durga- namely- Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Shailaputri, Kushmanda, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Skandamata, Siddhidatri, and Mahagauri. Whenever time challenges you, to survive this evil world, do not take a second thought and unfold yourself into a legendry.



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