Don't Say the "M" Word!
Is Headed To Bankruptcy?
Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode CXXIV of:
Don’t Say the “M” Word!
A Silent Radio Hour!
“I understand people believe I'm just a statistic
I say to them I'm different”
10th grader, Antwon Rose
“De l’audace, encore de l’audace, toujours de l’audace!” [“Audacity, audacity, always audacity!”]
-Georges Danton
“The power of the powerless!”
-Vaclav Havel
NSPB: Welcome back cherished listeners! And aren’t you excited about today’s show? I know I am!
RAT: And why’s that New Show Producer Becka or NSPB?
NSPB: Because today we’ll all be discussing: Is Headed to Bankruptcy? Personally! I’m electrified! Plus! I’m kinda hoping that the company crumbles!
J: Why just “kinda” Beck?
NSPB: If The Amazonian Empire Falls or TAEFs? Many, many people will be suffer in its wake!
RAT: My sources tell me that a major “Blood-Bath” or BB’s coming for Middle Management or MM!
J: As well as HR! The Dreaded HR Hit Squad or DHRHS!
D: They’re people too!
J: Barely Drew! Just barely! Besides! Can’t we suggest that Karma’s a Really Mean Bitch or KRMB?
NSPB: And so what says TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: Kill ‘em all [And I’m Talkin’: Metaphorically as well as Financially] and let God sort it out!
TheSASMO: Just kiddin’ people! Just kiddin’! You should see all your faces! Look! I’ve been warning them to jump ship! Find a lifeboat! And sell those shares before the Market and TheAmazon crash and burn!
J: And then the Emperor fiddles as Rome burns!
RAT: And the Fat Lady sings!
D: May TheBezos spare the innocent!
RAT: There’s no innocent’s in online retail!
J: And no crying in baseball! So what?
NSPB: So What? So what? So let’s get to it! TheSASMO, please!
TheSASMO: Before I begin! Let me quickly sum up what’s come before concerning The Fall of TheAmazon or TFTA!
Amazon Raises Minimum Wage to $16 for All U.S. Employees! So what does this means for the future of TheAmazon?
TheSASMO: In a company wide statement! TheAmazon PR Amdroids or TAPRA said this:
New $15 minimum wage is effective beginning this November 1! New $15 minimum wage includes associates employed by temp agencies. More than 250,000 Amazon employees, as well as more than 100,000 seasonal holiday employees, and their families will benefit from the new, higher pay. Amazon today announced it is increasing its minimum wage to $15 for all full-time, part-time, temporary (including those hired by agencies), and seasonal employees across the U.S.—effective November 1.
The new Amazon $15 minimum wage will benefit more than 250,000 Amazon employees, as well as over 100,000 seasonal employees who will be hired at Amazon sites across the country this holiday. “We listened to our critics, thought hard about what we wanted to do, and decided we want to lead,” said Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder and CEO. “We’re excited about this change and encourage our competitors and other large employers to join us.” Amazon’s public policy team will also begin advocating for an increase in the federal minimum wage.
“We will be working to gain Congressional support for an increase in the federal minimum wage. The current rate of $7.25 was set nearly a decade ago,” said Jay Carney, Senior Vice President of Amazon Global Corporate Affairs. “We intend to advocate for a minimum wage increase that will have a profound impact on the lives of tens of millions of people and families across this country.”
Employees will continue to receive Amazon’s industry-leading benefits, including: Comprehensive healthcare, including medical, dental, and vision coverage Up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave 401k matching Career Choice, which pre-pays 95% of associates’ tuition for courses in high-demand fields, whether those jobs are at Amazon or another company Career Skills, which trains hourly associates in critical job skills like resume writing, how to communicate effectively, and computer basics.
With more than 575,000 employees worldwide, Amazon was named #1 on LinkedIn’s 2018 Top Companies list, ranks # 1 on The Harris Poll’s Corporate Reputation survey, and #2 in Fortune’s World Most Admired Companies.
Does this apply to Whole Foods and your other subsidiaries? Yes. The new Amazon $15 minimum wage applies to all U.S. employees at Amazon and its subsidiaries. How are you going to work with Congress to raise the federal minimum wage? Our public policy team will work with policymakers in Washington, D.C., to advocate for a higher federal minimum wage.
What do you want the federal minimum wage to be raised to?
We believe $7.25 is too low. We would look to Congress to decide the parameters of a new, higher federal minimum wage. Is anything changing with Amazon’s RSU program?
Yes, we’ve heard from our hourly fulfillment and customer service employees that they prefer the predictability and immediacy of cash to RSUs. We will be phasing out the RSU grant program for stock which would vest in 2020 and 2021 for this group of employees, replacing it with a direct stock purchase plan before the end of 2019. The net effect of this change and the new higher cash compensation is significantly more total compensation for employees, without any vesting requirements, and with more predictability. Is it required to hit any incentive targets in order to get the $15 minimum wage?
No, we are phasing out the incentive pay component and the $15 will be a simple minimum with no targets required. Are any health care or other benefits also changing? No, Amazon’s industry-leading benefits package is not changing. We will continue to provide comprehensive healthcare on day 1, company-paid life and disability insurance, up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave, 401k matching, and Career Choice, which pre-pays 95% of associates’ tuition for courses in high-demand fields, whether those jobs are at Amazon or another company.
What about Amazon’s hourly Operations and Customer Service employees who are already making $15? Will they see an increase?
All of Amazon’s hourly Operations and Customer Service employees will see an increase, including those who are already making $15.
Will this be reflected in your quarterly earnings report?
Yes – the effect of this additional expense will be incorporated into our earnings guidance.
TheSASMO: So far! So good? I place the question mark after “so good” due to my on going distrust of any and everything Amazon! Any wage increase is a good thing. Again! Any increase in wages is a good thing! And this latest announcement by Amazon upper management of the “minimum” $15 an hour raise sent waves of excitement throughout our FC and I’m certain, of the FCs around the United States!
And were there shock waves? Basically! Yes! As a state of “disgust” among the workers now existed at our FC! At all the US FCs! Most of the in progress anger had to do with the VCP bonus incentive program being canceled beginning in November of this year. This state of resentment has to do with the reality that most of the workers have already planned on that VCP bonus money, doubled for Peak or the holidays- October through December, as income! Face reality! Many workers use this “extra” income” as holiday money which now won’t go towards getting our children/grandchildren Christmas presents, giving gifts to friends and family; or just making ends meet at the end of the year! Outrage’s putting it mildly!
Now! Listen! The talk of the town was the outrage over the loss of VCP! Yes, a wage increase is a good thing! But what about that which we are losing? VCP and RSUs or Registered Stock Units! Clearly, many were confused as well as angry!
And to the point! Many workers in the FCs came to this conclusion: This’ nothing but a PR stunt for (1) the workers moaning and groaning about pay! (2) Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign for a $15 an hour “minimum” wage and the bad PRESS which TheAmazon’s been receiving over it. (3) Wall-Street and TheAmazon’s share prices. (4) Amazon’s up coming agenda which I will conclude with!
In my four points concerning: This’ nothing but a PR stunt by, I said that I would give my analysis of Amazon’s up coming agenda? But first, an analysis from a friend and former co-worker who was terminated for “Union” activities at the Fulfillment Center ONT6! Mr. Thomas Wight or MTW:
1 – Current Amazon employees probably see a small increase in pay during non-peak months, and a small decrease in pay during peak. Amazon completely abandons any attempt at positive reinforcement or incentive. The result is the only remaining feedback loop is negative feedback.
2 – New Amazon employees get $15 per hour. Because the only incentives are negative, I predict higher turnover, if that is possible (turn’s huge at TheAmazon).
3 – Amazon’s master stroke kills Bernie Sanders attempt to punish companies that pay starvation wages.
4 – By ending the RSU program, Amazon is positioning to spin off e-commerce. There is now no way to hide the massive losses Amazon suffers. This allows Amazon to sell unprofitable parts of the company so it can focus on its core, meaning profitable, business.
TheSASMO: TheAmazon will come under siege for anti-trust, monopoly conduct, activities and actions! Other big companies will see to this via petition to the federal government which in all likelihood will take place! In which case, Amazon will circumvent this action by splitting its stock and spinning off e-commerce. Now as to why?
E-commerce is so poorly run! So inefficient, incompetent, wasteful; so under-productive that Amazon’s online E-commerce machine’s hemorrhaging money! Massive amounts of capital are being wasted daily! Think about it (e-commerce) this way: In the second quarter of 2018 Amazon’s sales went up 54% over that of the second quarter of 2017; good job! Now in the same second quarter of 2018 Amazon’s revenue went down 39% from that of 2017’s second quarter; not so good! How do you increase sales yet decrease revenue? Why does TheAmazon Retail Division lose $2 billion a quarter for a grand total of $8 billion annually? Debt! Massive amounts of debt!
The ‘Whole Foods’ purchase? Paid for with Debt! Besides! will hardly make a “ripple” in the grocery business! The hype’s laughable! Amazon’s leases (which will in fact be placed in the “debt” column of their financials come 2019) amount to more, massive: Debt! The only thing holding up this Amazon Monolith is the share price (over valuation which will catch-up sooner if not later! I predict sooner once the first quarter financials for 2019 are released with those “pesky” Capital Leases or CLs as TheAmazon really doesn’t own anything but debt! And that’s not to mention, and please read ‘There’s a New Crash Coming!’ by John Feffer, September 18, 2018! To be certain! It will devastate any and all entities: governmental, business, personal; anyone or anything heavily weighted down with debt! Now! And that leaves Amazon Web Service or AWS and Prime as the only real sources of income in the company! Face it! Amazon’s Free Cash Flow or FCF’s in the crapper!
Now looking at the RSUs? Think about this! Again, from former Fulfillment Center Mr. Thomas Wight or MTW:
I contemplated what was said at dinner Sunday evening (current and former warehouse workers meet for Indian food at ‘Curry & Kabob’ in Moreno Valley, ca- The Best Ever- ever so often).
Amazon hires at least 100,000 workers per year. Probably closer to 200,000. It “gives” each worker 5 shares of stock on the day the worker is hired. The stock “vests” giving the worker access to the stock 2 years later. In the meantime, the stock is “held” by Amazon in trust for the worker.
Amazon fires more than 90% of new hires before the stock vests. When the worker is fired, Amazon “retires” the stock. The stock retirement is recorded as a stock buy back on Amazon’s balance sheet. The buy back costs Amazon nothing. This scheme allows Amazon to artificially reduce the amount of Amazon stock on the market by at least 1,000,000 shares per year at no cost to the company. This continual buy back generates artificial demand for Amazon stock. It also artificially creates a stock shortage. Both of which drive up price. This combination of artificial demand and artificial shortage explains why Amazon is the most shorted stock in the US.
Amazon’s business model requires that it fire the vast majority of workers before their stock vests. The business model isn’t designed to make money by creating new technology or delivering goods to consumers. Amazon’s business model is to artificially inflate its stock price. In effect, Amazon is a giant ponzi scheme, the only winner of which is Amazon’s CEO. *
* Note: This Amazon business model does not include the human cost in the financial lose of a job! Amazon staunchly refuses unemployment benefits and fights the “terminated” employee tooth and nail for their rightful benefit! In which case, most drop their claim while attempting to find other work. Many lose homes, apartments, life insurance, spouses, loved ones; family! Many end up homeless adrift in the American wasteland which capitalism’s brought us! being a most nauseating case in point!
TheSASMO: Now this being the case and I know that it is! Why shut-off this steady stream of stock “held” in trust for the worker? Isn’t that killing the goose which continually lays the golden eggs? Yes! Look! We workers were being “breed” for shares of stock and what Mr. “Wight” is saying is completely legitimate. So the question again: Why kill the goose?
Amazon’s aligning itself for the future at the expense of its workforce. This’ a cautionary tale not just for hourly wage workers but more so for salaried middle-management and HR who are going to be disposed of really soon! Think about it! What will make e-commerce more attractive in a buy-out then the dumping of payroll? Massive amounts of payroll via hourly wages, salaries, stock shares (what will the ending of RSUs mean to management?), health benefits and all the rest. And at its heart, this’ what’s taking place with the “so-called” $15 increase!
And this brings us to something stated by CEO Jeff Bezos at an all-hands meeting last week in Seattle, Washington where an Amazon employee (a staged question I do believe) asked Jeff Bezos what lessons he had learned from the recent bankruptcies of Sears and other big retailers. ‘Amazon is not too big to fail’ Bezos told the crowd (and by extension: ThePress): ‘In fact, I predict one day Amazon will fail. Amazon will go bankrupt. If you look at large companies, their lifespans tend to be 30-plus years, not a hundred-plus years.” ‘If we start to focus on ourselves, instead of focusing on our customers (and this’ merely Bezos Propaganda or BP), that will be the beginning of the end,’ he added. ‘We have to try and delay (key word: “delay”) that day for as long as possible.’ And as to this ‘what lessons he had learned from the recent bankruptcies of Sears and other big retailers?’ Let’s check out the Sears bankruptcy!
Sears Bankruptcy to Benefit Executives and Staff Workers!
TheSASMO: Sears is seeking approval for bankruptcy restructuring that would allow it to pay its top three executives $1 million dollars in bonuses each if the company goes out of business!
J: You’ve got to be freakin’ kidding?
TheSASMO: That’s a negative Jonathan! Also! Get this freakin’ one! The agreement would give other executives as much as $25 million in bonuses! Meanwhile! Sears is closing hundreds of stores and laying off tens of thousands of employees who are receiving no severance pay or benefits whatsoever!
J: Well, as Anne Hall says: La-dee-dah!
TheSASMO: Correct! Now! According to the bankruptcy court filing! Apparently! “Top” Sears’ executives would receive only $50 thousand if Sears remains in business! But get this freakin’ one! If Sears goes out of business? They all receive $1 million each!
RAT: Doesn’t that amount to a reward for going out of business? What’s the logic behind such compensation decisions? And God dammit! Why would a bankruptcy court ever approve such a thing?
TheSASMO: It goes like this! Edward Lampert, an Ayn Rand devotee, through a hedge fund, bought Sears over a decade ago and has absolutely destroyed its value in pursuit of short run gains for himself!
J: Mother freakin’ great!
TheSASMO: And this is! One hopes! The final stage of the looting! But TheBezos only knows! Anyway! The whole idea of this kind of “strategic bankruptcy” never forget this phrase! Is to avoid your debts to workers in particular!
J&D&NSPB&RAT: What the freakin’ SASMO?
TheSASMO: You want to reduce your pension fund! You want to get out of contracts that would normally require you to pay severance and the such! But! And this’ imperative! You have to keep the senior executives loyal to you!
J&RAT: Obviously!
TheSASMO: Look! You’re dependent on your lieutenants to keep you in the game! It’s complicated!
J: Forget about it!
TheSASMO: In this supposed bankruptcy reorganization there’s what’s called a stalking horse! So you’re playing yet another role and the creditors believe you’re probably trying to loot the place one more time!
D: What’s a “stalking horse” TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: A stalking-horse bid’s the initial bid on the assets of a bankrupt company! The bankrupt company will choose an entity from a pool of bidders, a friendly entity by the way! This entity will make the first bid on the firm’s remaining assets. The stalking horse sets the low-end bidding bar so that other bidders can not underbid the purchase price. The term “stalking horse” originates from a hunter trying to conceal himself behind either a real or fake horse.
J&RAT: Golly Gee or GG!
TheSASMO: Right! The stalking-horse bid method allows a distressed company to avoid receiving low bids as it sells its final assets. Once the stalking-horse bidder has made its offer, other potential buyers may submit competing bids for the company’s assets. By setting the low end of the bidding range, the bankrupt company hopes to realize a higher profit on its assets.
J&RAT: Again! Golly Gee or GG!
TheSASMO: Again! Right! Look up while pulling your heads out your asses! Bankruptcy proceedings are public. The public nature allows for the disclosure of more information about the deal and the purchaser than what would be available in a private deal.
TheSASMO: Since the stalking-horse’s the opening offer for the assets or company, the bankrupt company typically awards the stalking-horse bidder with several incentives. Incentives include expense reimbursements, breakup fees, and exclusivity for a specified period. The stalking-horse bidder receives benefits for its efforts. And here’s the best part!
J&RAT: Sock-It-To-Me or SITM TheSASMO!
TheSASMO: It may negotiate the terms of the purchase and can choose which assets and liabilities it wishes to acquire! Most importantly! The stalking-horse bidder can negotiate bidding options that discourage competitors from bidding. Again! Most importantly!
J&RAT: Most importantly?
TheSASMO: Go back to when I said: ‘You have to keep the senior executives loyal to you! Look! You’re dependent on your lieutenants to keep you in the game! It’s complicated!’
J: Forget about it!
TheSASMO: Wish I could! The stalking-horse bidder will exert great effort to gain the advantages of being the first bidder. Since this is the opening bid! The stalking-horse bidder must perform Due Diligence or DD when determining its offer price and the fair value of the remaining assets.
RAT: Are there risks involved TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: Indeed there are! But is the future of TheAmazon worth this kind of risk?
BEZOS! BEZOS! BEZOS! All praise to TheBEZOS!
TheSASMO: Look! Those whores in Congress! Back in 2005! They changed the bankruptcy laws to try to reduce these abuses! To end stage looting where the senior managers yank a big chunk of the remaining cash out! And as they say: They’re taking it straight out of the mouths of the workers’ kids!
D: Not the children!
TheSASMO: Sorry Drew! Yes the children! Anyway! Congress said you can’t pay people just for staying with a company in circumstances where there’s a bankruptcy filing! You have to pay them for extraordinary performance!
J: Utter nonsense!
TheSASMO: Exactly! There’s no conceivable way these “so-called” executives are doing anything extraordinary! Just the opposite! And if they did? Things would probably be worse news because what they would be doing’s would be just another short-term scam!
J&RAT: Wham-Bam-Thank You-TheAmazon!
TheSASMO: Now! Bankrupt companies are not required to pay severance! But clearly the executives are receiving a form of severance pay in the form of bonuses that they’re about to receive! So what does this say about the labor and bankruptcy laws of the United States? I mean, how does this even make any sense?
NSPB: Thank the whore politicians’ children!
J&D&RAT&TheSASMO: Thank you whore politicians!
J: Bad whore politicians! Bad dogs! Bad dogs!
TheSASMO: Thank you indeed! Well look! It’s a rigged system! And the whores in Congress just keep coming back and making it more rigged! So it’s like this!
J&D&NSPB&RAT: Like what TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: An example! Anyone’s with a college degree who has the accrued horrendous debt to prove it! Piles upon piles of life-altering debt! God damn! They can’t discharge that debt in bankruptcy anymore!
J&D&NSPB&RAT: Any further examples? TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: It’s so rigged against workers! It’s rigged in favor of the executives! Now! The whores in Congress tried in 2005 to restrict this ability to pay something, as you say, akin to severance to the top executives. So they shouldn’t, in fact, be eligible at Sears. Indeed, all of them should have been fired and a trustee in bankruptcy should have been appointed.
J&D&NSPB&RAT: And does that happen? TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: In rear cases! Now! A trustee in bankruptcy can be appointed by the bankruptcy court where they don’t trust the management! A rare case being Enron! And there was a “real” investigation which discovered and documented all the massive frauds, including the frauds by the top executives and the bankers!
J&D&NSPB&RAT: Will that happen with Sears? What will happen with TheAmazon? TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: The strong presumption’s against the appointment of a trustee! In bankruptcy jargon! The typical thing in a corporation when it’s called a “reorganization” that’s Chapter 11 as opposed to Chapter 7 which’s liquidation under the Bankruptcy Code! Now get this!
J&D&NSPB&RAT: Now what TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: The strong presumption’s that the Debtor In Possession or DIP as they’re appropriately called! In other words! The CEO who ran the place into the ground gets to continue running it under the “theory” that “HE” know the place best!
J&D&NSPB&RAT: Father knows best! Father knows best! Father Bezos surely knows what he’s doing! He knows best!
TheSASMO: Maybe? Maybe not? Anyway! In a place that’s mildly incompetent and has had tough economic times? Forget about it! You can see the logic! But in a situation where much of the time the company’s been in the strongest economic expansion! The Obama-Trump expansion being one of the largest and longest in U.S. history! Sears still seems to have completely collapsed in it!
J&D&RAT: Sears! Sears! Sears! Sears has collapsed!
TheSASMO: Therefore! The presumption should be the opposite in this situation with Sears! And it seems that serious allegations of insider abuse gives the strong notion that (1) a trustee should be appointed and (2) that that trustee must investigate prior senior management!
J&D&RAT: Investigate!
TheSASMO: Now! The labor campaign group Rise Up Retail or RUR has pointed out that this’ something which happened with Toys R Us when they went out of business! Top executives received millions and millions of dollars on this pay-in! As for the workers? The employees didn’t even get severance pay! Hell! They didn’t get shit! How common’s this practice of providing these kinds of severance bonuses while paying no severance to laid off workers?
J&D&NSPB&RAT: How common TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: This’ absolutely the norm!
TheSASMO: Cheers to you all! Look! Get use to it! Strategic Bankruptcies or SB doesn’t necessarily have to go into “actual” bankruptcy! No! So if you’re looking to screw the workers and benefit the executives? Go for it!
J: Work Hard!
D: Have Fun!
NSPB: Make History!
RAT: Hurrah!
TheSASMO: And by the way! This’ extremely common among the wealthy! And this being the case! Toys R Us is a good example! And what’s coming with It’ll be EPIC!
J: Work Hard!
D: Have Fun!
NSPB: Make History!
RAT: Hurrah!
TheSASMO: What will the bonuses be like? Again! EPIC! Remember! 2005! Congress changes the law to say you’re only supposed to be able to get a bonus for really extraordinary efforts!
J: Work Hard!
D: Have Fun!
NSPB: Make History!
RAT: Hurrah!
TheSASMO: Well, Toys R Us just died! It wasn’t brought back to life! There wasn’t this wonderful, efficient entity churning away through brilliant management! And under the very “logic” of the 2005 Reform Act! No bonuses for any of you! No soup one year!
J: Work Hard!
D: Have Fun!
NSPB: Make History!
RAT: Hurrah!
TheSASMO: So you can see yet another area where the System of Big Business Bankruptcy or SBBB tends to be extremely generous to the senior management that has looted and destroyed the place!
J: Work Hard!
D: Have Fun!
NSPB: Make History!
RAT: Hurrah!
TheSASMO: And to further ruffle your feathers get this one! It’s always extremely hostile to the workers! Indeed! It’s an outrageous, utterly stacked system and it’s getting worse! It’s going to be a thing of beauty watching Jeff Bezos and his minion use this very “system” of bankruptcy to fill their coffers even further! And indeed! Screw “their” workforce, top to bottom; even more then their already have!
J: Work Hard!
D: Have Fun!
NSPB: Make History!
RAT: Hurrah!
TheSASMO: But hopefully! There might possibly be a major break through where the House of Representatives, under the new majority, should be acting to reform the law.
J&RAT: Doubtful!
NSPB: And doubtlessly! It’s time to say Good Night Irene!
D: Bye now!
* * *
To our cherished listeners out there hopefully believing that “our” ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded formerly at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of Here’s Still Hoping for the Fifth Aeon to Finally Come and Save Us All Here or USHSHFAFCSUAH in: America which’s quickly Slipping Into Darkness or SID! Hopefully, we’ll be back next time! Who knows? Now listen! I’m Becka formerly known as Reject # 2 now known as the New Show Producer Becka or NSPB! I’m here in what’s entitled “Reject Square” where we’re now broadcasting live yet pre-recorded and so many thanks once again to “our” cherished listeners who are anticipating another Episode or E of ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’! We’re so sorry that you have to live through these nasty “happenings” taking place daily here in America! I mean to say! Really SORRY! But I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while again leaving Any Semblance of Rational Thought or ASRT at the door as for the sake of TheBezos: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? Never understood that one but hey folks! We’re back! (Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished “LISTENERS” return once again next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD as we Tell Our Tale or TOT of Misery or M here in a land known as America! Please stay safe and always watch out for those Frenzied, Extremely Agitated Regrettables or FEAR “CAPITALISTS” who see their own reflection in the Mirrored Sunglasses or MSs of those who would Un-Naturally or UN ridicule our Blessed Way of Life here on Silent Radio or SR! And please! Make sure to thank TheBezos! And so I’m pretty certain! And Good Night Irene! Whoever “she” is? And hey Bezos! RESPECT US NOW: God dammit!
* * *
D: Jonathan?
J: Yes Drew?
D: Why do the filthy rich always get away with it?
J: The filthy rich have the necessary money to pay-off “their” whore politicians! And then some!
D: Darn it!
J: Watch the language Drew! What the language!
D: I’m sorry Jonathan! So very sorry!
J: I suppose I’ll get over it sooner or later!
D: Great!