Don't Say the "M" Word!
More Amazon workers speak out against atrocious working conditions! Worker confirms that other workers can often be seen sleeping in their cars in the parking lot!
Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode XCIII of:
Don’t Say the “M” Word!
A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded:
“I understand people believe I'm just a statistic
I say to them I'm different”
10th grader, Antwon Rose
POW: Once again we return to the Scene Of The Crime or SOTC here on “our” ‘A Silent Radio Hour’ live yet pre-recorded at Reject Square in the Heart of Down-Town Seattle, Washington of the United States of Hey Stupid People! Wake-The-F-Up Here in a Land Formerly Known or RSHDTSWUSHSPWTFUHLFK as: America!
J: Now as to today’s Scene Of The Crime or SOTC…
TheRejects: SOTC! SOTC! SOTC! Let TheSASMO speak about SOTC!
J: As I was asking! Warren? What’s going to be today’s Scene Of The Crime or SOTC?
POW: Understanding why TheMahatma would cry over how TheAmazon treats its workers! I’ve suggested to TheSASMO that we continue with this general topic of and its “CRIMES” Against TheWorkers of TheWorld or CATWTW!
J&D: Sounds like fun!
POW: If you work for TheAmazon, especially in one of their Fulfillment Centers or FCs; no guys, it certainly isn’t fun! And speaking of most definitely “so-not” being fun! TheSASMO, please!
TheSASMO: Coming to you from the International Amazon Worker’s Voice or IAWV!
More Amazon workers speak out against atrocious working conditions!
TheSASMO: The following’s pulled from an article by Evan Cohen! Now! Following the International Amazon Worker’s Voice or IAWV coverage of working conditions at Amazon’s DFW-7 warehouse in Haslet, Texas…
D: Amazon’s DFW-7 warehouse in Haslet, Texas?
TheSASMO: Dallas-Fort Worth airport Drew! This’ how many companies label themselves! They use the nearest airport’s letters. Next! Haslet, Texas is west of Dallas and just a little south down highway 35w from Denton, Texas of ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show’ fame!
D: And Jonathan shouts!
J: Everybody sing!
J&D&POW&TheSASMO&TheRejects: ‘It’s astounding Time is fleeting Madness takes it’s toll... Ahh... But listen closely... Not for very much longer... I’ve got to keep control. I remember doing the Time Warp. Drinking those moments when The blackness would hit me. And the void would be calling. Let’s do the Time Wrap again. Let’s do the Time Warp again. It’s just a jump to the left. And then a step to the right. With your hand on your hips. You bring your knees in tight. But it’s the pelvic thrust. They really drive you insane. Let’s do the Time Warp again. Let’s do the Time Warp again. It’s so dreamy Oh, fantasy free me So you can’t see me No not at all. In another dimension With voyeuristic intention. Well secluded I see all... With a bit of a mind flip... You’re into a time slip... And nothing can ever be the same. You’re spaced out on sensation. Like you're under sedation. Let’s do the Time Warp again. Let’s do the Time Warp again Well, I was walking down the street Just having a think When a snake of a guy Gave me an evil wink. Well it shook me up It took me by surprise He had a pick-up truck And the devil's eyes He stared at me And I felt a change Time meant nothing Never would again. Let’s do the Time Warp again. Let’s do the Time Warp again. It’s just a jump to the left. And then a step to the right. With your hands on your hips. You bring you knees in tight. But it’s the pelvic thrust... That really drives you insane Let’s do the Time Warp again. Let’s do the Time Warp again. Let’s do the Time Warp again Ah! Oh! Oh! Yeoooww... Ahhhh. Let’s do the Time Warp again. Let’s do the Time Warp again. It’s just a jump to the left. And then a step to the right. With your hands on your hips. You bring your knees in tight. But it’s the pelvic thrust They really drive you insane. Let’s do the Time Warp again. Let’s do the Time Warp again.’
POW: Agreed! Let ‘Oh, fantasy free me So you can’t see me No not at all. In another dimension With voyeuristic intention. Well secluded I see all... With a bit of a mind flip... You’re into a time slip... And nothing can ever be the same.’ Let’s “warp” right into ‘The blackness’ which’s and what this company immorally if not “criminally” demands of its workforce! TheSASMO, please!
TheSASMO: Massive numbers of Amazon workers have come forward to confirm widespread resentment against the outrageous working conditions described by whistleblower Shannon Allen. When Chardé, a former Amazon worker at BOS-7 in Massachusetts read about the abuses at DFW-7 on the World Socialist Web Site or WSWS…
TheRejects: WSWS! WSWS! WSWS! The WSWS supports us!
TheSASMO: Chardé realized that what she was being forced to endure was shared by Amazon workers all around the world! ‘I just really thought it might have been the town that I was in, but apparently not.’
J: Apparently so!
D: And TheSASMO knows!
POW: What TheAmazon sows!
TheSASMO: The Amazon workers reap!
TheRejects: Reap! Reap! Reap! TheAmazon’s so cheap!
J: We Reap what we Sow!
TheSASMO: And what’s been sown is an Amazonian Perfect Storm or APS whereas economically devastated areas with low incomes and high unemployment are targeted by as the ideal location to exploit workers, their families and the local communities at large!.
J: How so SASMO?
TheSASMO: Tax incentives are typically “extorted” Gangster Style or GS as in: ‘I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse’ from local government which should be used for the general good but TheAmazon sucks up as many resources as possible!
TheRejects: Suck! Suck! Suck! TheAmazon Sucks!
TheSASMO: To say it nicely! This once again “criminal” company draws workers with promises of flexible hours, career opportunities, and even stocks and health care.
POW: So far doesn’t sound so bad! Just being The Devil’s Advocate here SASMO!
TheSASMO: Indeed! And the “Devil’s”…
D: Mr. De Niro’s back?
J&POW&TheSASMO&TheRejects: What TheSASMO?
TheSASMO: Right! As I was saying! The “Devil’s” In the Details or TDID!
TheRejects: TDID! TDID! TDID! TheSASMO will give us the details!
TheSASMO: Many workers shared stories of being attracted to TheAmazon Fulfillment Centers or FCs by the pay and promises of stability but then after being injured, fired or driven to quit by the dangerous and strenuous conditions! All have come to realize: Amazonian Enlightenment or AE!
TheRejects: Enlighten us! Enlighten us! Enlighten us! Let TheSASMO Enlighten us!
TheSASMO: Chardé speaks of the social conditions in her hometown, where Amazon chose to build its warehouse: ‘The building was launched in 2016, in Fall River, Massachusetts. Fall River is a small mill town. A lot of people are functioning drug addicts, alcoholics. I moved there because the rent is cheap, but it cost in other ways.’
POW: As have so many all over America!
TheSASMO: Just like in the Inland Empire in southern California where I live!
D: Tell us more SASMO!
TheSASMO: Like so many economically downtrodden cities and towns all across America, Fall River suffers from social and economic desolation, a total wasteland washed by waves of deindustrialization, down-sizing and manufacturing shut-down as company after company flees the United States in pursuit of cheap labor!
D: Cheap labor SASMO?
TheSASMO: Beginning in the 50s but Pushing the Metal to the Petal or PMTP, Big Business or BB and Criminal Corporations or CCs in the 80s and 90s accelerated Their Efforts to Devastate What was Formerly Known or TEDWFK as Working America!
D: They can do that?
POW: “They” own Congress’ Asses or As Drew! Damn right “they” can do that!
J: And continue to “bend” Congress over a table without…
TheRejects: Vaseline! Don’t let Congress get the Vaseline!
TheSASMO: Seems fair! Anyway! Chardé continued: ‘A lot of the mills and other things had closed down. It was a big factory town and people who had worked at the factories for years, they’re getting fired and they’re getting laid off.’
POW: Is there a pattern here SASMO?
TheSASMO: The Cohen story continues: Michael Yevtuck, a life-long construction worker and semi-retired house-builder from Cliffwood Beach, New Jersey, applied to work at Amazon’s EWR-4 warehouse for similar reasons: ‘I figured I’d get some extra money because I wasn’t doing anything, and I wanted to get back to work. You look at all these other low-paying jobs and it was already like October, and Amazon would just immediately hire you.’
TheRejects: TheAmazon! TheAmazon! TheAmazon! Have a pulse and you too can work for TheAmazon!
TheSASMO: Cohen writes about how Yevtuck needed to work in order to have a chance at retirement and to provide for his son’s wedding: ‘I was going to work through that for the extra money and then I was going to work my way back into the regular work system to make some more money for my old age. So I went there, applied and immediately was hired. I was thrilled I figured $800 a week, I could use that.’
J: “Regular” work system SASMO? Is it being said that TheAmazon’s an “ill-regular” work system?
TheSASMO: Truly! It’s so! Let’s continue and see! Alex, who works at DFW-7, applied to work for Amazon because she needed the money in order to provide for her family: ‘I started at Taco Bell, I’d always done retail when I was younger. And when I heard Amazon was hiring I thought it would be a good time to apply, that it would be a good opportunity for me.’
J: Was it a “good” opportunity for Alex SASMO?
TheSASMO: Hell no! To continue! When Chardé was hired at the Fall River Fulfillment Center or FC, her first child was only four years old! She fully expected to be given some flexibility to accommodate her needs as a single mother; she expected TheAmazon to keep its word!
TheRejects: Liar! Liar! Liar! TheAmazon’s pants on fire!
TheSASMO: Hell fire more like it! But when she was hired, she was given a sixty hour week schedule instead of the 40 an hour week that she was promised.
TheRejects: Liar! Liar! Liar! TheAmazon’s pants on fire!
TheSASMO: Blazingly so! She said this: ‘They open the building, and they’re shuffling thousands of people through the building, they hired like 2,000 people in the first month.’ And this’ what happened a week after she was hired! Amazon directly told her: ‘You’re on 60-hour a week shifts until further notice.’ NO TALKING BACK ALLOWED! TheAmazon! Love It or Leave It or LILI!
TheRejects: LILI! LILI! LILI! Let’s all just LEAVE TheAmazon!
J: Love to!
D: And so SASMO? What’d she do?
TheSASMO: She worked the sixty hour shifts for the next nine months! For the love of Christ people! She’s a single mom who loves here children! Listen to her cry! ‘I didn’t get a break. My four year old thought that I lived at Amazon.’ Where at times I’ve felt myself like I should have a cot somewhere in the building to save Travel Time or TT!
W: How about some Good Ole Fashioned Chinese Green Tea or GOFCGIT sold by Mother Eu-funh or Playful Phoenix, a Mom and Pop Corner Tea Store in Hong Kong, China or MEPPMPCTSHKC and popcorn?
J&D&POW&TheSASMO&TheRejects: Yes please!
W: Get right to it my darlings!
D: Great to see you again!
W: Love you too Drew! Be right back with your Good Ole Fashioned Chinese Green Tea or GOFCGIT sold by Mother Eu-funh or Playful Phoenix, a Mom and Pop Corner Tea Store in Hong Kong, China or MEPPMPCTSHKC and popcorn!
J&D&POW&TheSASMO&TheRejects: Thank you!
W: You’re more than welcome my darlings!
TheSASMO: She told the whole story of TheAmazon like this! ‘They were just selling you a bunch of dreams,’ Chardé said, ‘and it turns out to be a lot of false fluff just to get a mass amount of people to be hired.’
TheRejects: Liar! Liar! Liar! TheAmazon’s pants on fire!
TheSASMO: The fires of Mordor where Sindarin (Jeff Bezos) and the Black Land (TheAmazon) and Quenya or ‘Land of Shadow’ (Fulfillment Centers) subsist in wicked malevolence! Anyway! Alex confirmed the sight of ambulances arriving at DFW-7 during the summer to pick up workers who had dropped from the heat, a fact previously exposed by the World Socialist Web Site or WSWS!
TheRejects: The Web Site! The Web Site! The Web Site! Go and fed at The Web Site!
TheSASMO: Alex stated that workers get injured ‘probably once a day’ as high temperatures are common in the non-climate-controlled half of the warehouse. ‘We used to have fans, but they took them away, I have no idea why. There are a lot of people getting heatstroke. Last summer I don’t think it was as bad as it is this summer. We did have more fans then.’ She also confirmed that workers can often be seen sleeping in their cars in the parking lot.
J&D&POW&TheRejects: What TheSASMO? Amazonian Management or AM took away their fans!
TheSASMO: Expect and be ready for anything from Amazonian Management or AM! Anyway! Chardé described how management employs informants and spies among the workforce. She recounted how a worker who suggested in a small group that they should “get a union going” was fired the next day.
J: How’s it that you haven’t been terminated SASMO!
TheRejects: Please don’t kill TheSASMO!
J: Terminate as in “fire” the little shit! Out the door you good for nothing organizing piece of vile pig-shit! They really like me at TheAmazon!
J&D&POW: We could tell!
TheRejects: Oh-no! Sorry SASMO!
TheSASMO: I’m too Ass Scratchingly Stupid or ASS to be terminated Jonathan!
POW: So you’re calling yourself an ASS? TheSASMO, please!
TheSASMO: Ass Scratchingly Stupid or a total ASS to be certain! It’s not only a science Jonathan! It’s an art form!
POW: Wonderful! But now! Let’s sum up for today’s Episode or E of “our” ‘A Silent Radio Hour’ here on Reject Square in Down-Town Seattle, Washington of the United States Where Liars with Their Pants on Fire Dance with the Devil Here or RSDTSWUSWLTPFDDH in: America!
TheSASMO: I’ll close, for today, with this statement: ‘Everybody always has to watch what they say … it’s Orwellian,’ she said. Alex, also a problem-solver, confirmed this practice!
D: But TheSASMO doesn’t watch what he says!
TheRejects: TheSASMO! TheSASMO! TheSASMO! Let TheSASMO be TheSASMO!
TheSASMO: In the words of Popeye-the-Sailor-Man: ‘I is what I is!’
J&D: Goodbye everybody!
* * *
To our cherished listeners out there hopefully believing that “our” ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded formerly at The Spank the Monkey Café in the heart of downtown Seattle, Washington of the United States of Here’s Still Hoping for the Fifth Aeon to Finally Come and Save Us All Here or USHSHFAFCSUAH in: America which’s quickly Slipping Into Darkness or SID! Hopefully, we’ll be back next time! Who knows? I’m Producer Only Warren or POW or Prisoner Of Weirdness here in what’s known as “Reject Square” where we’re now broadcasting live yet pre-recorded and so many thanks once again to “our” cherished listeners who are anticipating another Episode or E of ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’! We’re so sorry that you have to live through these nasty “happenings” taking place daily here in America! The daily nasty happenings at! I mean to say! Really SORRY! But I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while again leaving Any Semblance of Rational Thought or ASRT at the door as for the sake of TheBezos: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? Never understood that one but hey folks! We’re back! (Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished “LISTENERS”, again return next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD as we Tell Our Tale or TOT of Misery or M here in a land known as America! Please stay safe and always watch out for those Frenzied, Extremely Agitated Regrettables or FEAR who see their own reflection in the Mirrored Sunglasses or MSs of those who would Un-Naturally or UN ridicule our Blessed Way of Life here on Silent Radio or SR! And please! Make sure to thank TheBezos! And so I’m pretty certain! And Good Night Irene!
* * *
D: Jonathan?
J: Yes Drew?
D: Do liars with their pants on fire really dance with the Devil Jonathan?
J: It’s metaphoric Drew! But yes! Liars like TheAmazon Dance with the Devil!